After You Write an Article

Ssurvey-buying-processo you wrote an article or a blog post or you created a web page. Maybe you uploaded a video or did a podcast. Maybe you uploaded a presentation to Slideshare. . .

Basically, you created content. Now what do you do?

This is a down and dirty checklist of what to do after you create original content. (Remember if you made a video, obviously #4 doesn’t apply, and if you wrote an article #11 doesn’t apply.) Use some logic, please: Continue reading “After You Write an Article”

Getting Site Sponsors


Holy Moly! I could not believe what I was seeing and hearing  at the “how do get corporate sponsors” session at BlogWorld. I was amazed, astounded and somewhat stupified by the level of expertise I was hearing.

So the speakers on the panel were agents at an agency that represented big companies like Pepsi, Johnson & Johnson and Nabisco. And they were quite clear in what they look for when they’re looking to partner with bloggers and site owners.

To start with they use lots of tools when analyzing bloggers. Tools like, Radian6, wordle, Klout and their own analysis. They really go to great lengths to determine the extent of the bloggers influence.

For instance with Twitter they look at your Tweets and put them through Wordle to see what you tweet about most often. They look for competitor brand names, bad language and poor trends.

Then they look at your retweets and how much influence those people have.

They look at all your social profiles to see what kind of engagement you have and where you return in the search engines.

They look at your complete reach in different mediums like audio, video, text, blog posts and more. Engagement on your site, your Facebook page, your guest posts.

And sometimes they find you just because you’re already a fan.

So if you want to be ripe for corporate sponsorship, get your influence going and start talking about all the right things, now.

Keywords for clients

yay-1201886Your keywords are the keys to the kingdom. The keywords dictate who comes to your site. If you can bring the right people, you’ll end
up with the right people on your list.

Take a look at the testimonials you (or your client) have received. Which kind of groups have really appreciated your message? Which customers create referrals and which ones don’t? And what is it about your service or product they appreciated?

Also consider what is the ultimate goal? If you’re a speaker, do you want to be the keynote speaker at the Republican National Convention, or at the Truck Stops of America Convention? That changes who you want to be visible for.. Continue reading “Keywords for clients”

Facebook Isn’t for You Is It?

yay-7256124When you want a Facebook Page –  that’s when you shouldn’t create one. There is nothing strategic about “wanting”.  From a business standpoint, Facebook is a tool no less or more useful than is a hammer for a handyman.
If you’ve spent anytime trying to figure out what you’re going to do with your Facebook page – you’ve thought it backwards.
Your customers are your business and thus your time should be spent on any one of three things as it pertains to that: Continue reading “Facebook Isn’t for You Is It?”

Great Call to Action

Infomercials are just horrible aren’t they? It’s OK, you can agree. I’ve spent the last 6 years in the infomercial business and am quite aware of all the crappines.
But I can tell you thing for sure – there is an equation that makes an infomercial successful. And little strategic tweaks can get you there every time.
The most important part of an infomercial is the call-to-action. That’s the part where the infomercial ends and the mini-commercial starts with the phone number starts.
That call-to-action is exactly what it sounds like “a request that you take action”. The success of the infomercial doesn’t depend on the call-to-action itself, it’s the offer that’s being made.
Let me say that another way. . . as long as there is a call-to-action, the only thing you really have to test is the price and the value. When you can find a price and value that really gets
people buying – the commercial pays for itself. Continue reading “Great Call to Action”

The 10 Best Places to Get Links

560026_linksThat’s a bold claim, isn’t it?  What are the 10 best places to get links to your site?  The problem answering it is I can really only give you the 10 Best Places for YOUR site, not everyone’s.

Can you imagine 10 places that both an Astrology Teacher and an Apricot Farmer could stand together and sell products? Hmm. . . Continue reading “The 10 Best Places to Get Links”

The About Me Section

consumer-buying-processI got asked today what a person should write in the About Me section of their site. Interesting to me that this question was asked.

First of all you have to decide WHY you want a section called About Me. What is the point of that page on your site?

If you answer “because everyone else has one” then we’ve got more talking to do. But if you can truly answer that question – write the answer down and make it your About Me section. Continue reading “The About Me Section”

Social Proof


I was wondering what I was going to write about this week. Some weeks there is no Eureka! moment to draw inspiration from. But other weeks I’ll get 11 ideas without effort.

This week, like many, started from the blink of an eye.

I was thumbing through a magazine and almost whizzed by a page about bird feeders (the link is to a similar one). At the top were a couple of traditional bird feeders – but the article was about how to make a bird seed mobile for the birds. Continue reading “Social Proof”