Website Conversions

544853_question_markI got a chance to chat with Sue Painter ( recently about increasing web
conversions.It was a great conversation – to which much was discussed. And before I get any further you should know that you can listen to that recording here:

But let me get to the meat of it. The bottom line is this: If you want to convert more window shoppers to customers you have to combine logic and art. Continue reading “Website Conversions”

Duplicate Content

survey-buying-processI got a question today from last week’s “repurposing” email about duplicate content. Here was the question:

“In the olden days, you didn’t want to repeat content verbatim on more than one web site because it diluted your rankings. I know this to be true because at a former job, we had three web sites, but some of the content was identical on each of the sites. Our Google rep explained that was viewed as “cheating” and we were downgraded. “

(and feel free to ask your own question at on Facebook)

So, the answer isn’t black and white – but what you should do and how you should handle your content is quite clear.

Duplicate content is an issue, and has become a more costly problem since last year’s Google Panda update. So let’s tackle it.

Places like CNN use duplicated Associate Press content all the time and don’t get downgraded for it. As does pretty much every local TV station website. Duplicate content is abound and part of life. It’s not always bad. In some cases, links from all those duplicate posts are quite good for the original writer.

However, as a general rule Google returns an article once in the search results. If you search for “hutto shark attack” on Google you’re going to get 10 different articles about the same story. Google is not going to return 10 sites with the same article.

So if you’re looking to get indexed for a topic, you don’t want to fight someone else whose got the original content.

As far as repurposing goes, make sure you put the original content here it matters most first.  Snippets of it, rewrites, modifications and images of it can be used everywhere – because they’re not exactly the same.

Taking that content and putting it in an ebook is OK because ebook content is not typically indexed.

Use your stuff often, and as much as you can. Just remember that if you want it indexed it pretty much needs to be original.

Website Design Success Factors

yay-7238976This week a local business asked me some questions about changing their site to add some “popular” features. This was my reply:

“Lots of sites have lots of cool features, but that doesn’t mean those features are going to help you make money. Just because lots of sites do it isn’t a good reason. It’s like putting pink flamingos in your front yard because lots of people do it.

Your website should be a tool, that’s it. It’s one of the tools at your disposal that you should be using to create revenue for your business. The question you should be asking yourself and your clients is “how can I make this a better tool?” Continue reading “Website Design Success Factors”

Crafting the Marketing Plan

yay-3618115The biggest problem most people have trying to write their marketing plan is getting stuck on the details. They got bogged in some detail and can’t move beyond it.

So don’t let details slow your plan.

Your marketing plan should almost reflect a flow chart.  Work it backwards from the day you receive your first check to now. What had to have happened for that first customer to have given you money? Continue reading “Crafting the Marketing Plan”

Build Your Marketing Funnel

Today’s note is short because I made a video that better describes what I’m hoping you’ll learn.  It’s hard to figure out what to do from one day to the next for your business. What can make that much easier is mapping out your overall business structure, which I show you in a short video here: Continue reading “Build Your Marketing Funnel”

Affiliate Network List


Check here for a comprehensive affiliate network list. If you know of an affiliate network that isn’t on this list and should be, leave a comment to let us know about it.

Also MANY of these networks offer a full bevy of services. We sorted them through what we thought was their primary service, but many offer services in the other categories.

Feel free to leave suggestions. . . there are so many. And our sections on coupons and affiliates is quite weak still. Bring on the knowledge.

CPM Impression-Based Networks

CPC/CPA Networks with Impression-Based Options


Sponsored Posts Networks

Social Media Campaigns

Affiliate Marketing Networks

Coupons and Deal Networks

Product Review Networks

Ad Managing Tools

AdRotate – Plugin to help you manage your ads – sell ads directly to advertisers

Double Click for Publishers 

TEDx Nashville Brilliance

tedHave you ever been to a TED event?
I very much wish I’d had a bus and could’ve bring you and all
my other friends to TEDx Nashville. I won’t say that every
speech has been great, but there were a couple that were just fantastic!

My favorite, by far, was a speech by Greg Stielstra, the author of PyroMarketing. He said what you and I know about social media but in such an astute way that it just grabs your attention immediately. Continue reading “TEDx Nashville Brilliance”

Video Marketing Tips

1326722_monitorRecently on (which I invite you to join) we did an “impromptu” mastermind call all about video marketing ideas. I thought I’d recap what we spoke about here.

In one of my previous Notes on video marketing we discussed Tubemogul, optimizing YouTube videos, repurposing videos and embeding them on your site. I’ll shy away from those topics this time.

There are three types of Video Marketing Strategies. Continue reading “Video Marketing Tips”

Ideas for Domain Names You’re Not Using

875940_www_-_url_2So, do you have a bunch of domain names you’re not using? Did you buy them because you thought they were cool or in your niche and now need to use them?

Well, here are some ideas to get you going:

The first idea is to create a directory site. You may have to become a member of UAW to do this, but that’s worth it anyhow. ( is my affiliate link to that). Once you become a member of UAW (which is an article spinning site that I love), you’ll get access to the free Directory in a Box software. Very nice stuff. Continue reading “Ideas for Domain Names You’re Not Using”