Should You Manually Add Emails?


So this week I was asked “how do you get people who give you their email address at a live event, how do you get them onto your list?”

Let’s start with the reason that you’re speaking. What is that reason? If the reason is to move your BUSINESS forward, then we have room to talk.

If it’s for any other reason (like ego or for fun) then the answer to your question is to click on the email subscription button on your website and input their email address into that form. To make sure they click the subscription button, make sure the “verification email” they will get says “Thanks for coming to the presentation today” and then “please click here to start getting coupons and deals”. And hope for the best. 🙂 Continue reading “Should You Manually Add Emails?”

Forget This and You’ll Get Hacked

yay-1273024I’ve got an extremely important message for you today. I need you to know this in your heart so it never happens to you.
I got hacked this week making all my sites, including my clients’ sites go down and appear as having a virus. Very very bad.
But I could have avoided it, had I really thought about this.
Here’s what you need to know and do:
Ever buy a domain name, start setting up a site and then get distracted?Or you had a good idea but then you just didn’t do anything with it?
Then the year rolls around and that domain comes up for renewal and you just let it drop thinking. “That was a good idea at the time, I guess”.Well, I did that several times. And never thought anything about it again until today. Today is when doing that cost me my entire network.  Continue reading “Forget This and You’ll Get Hacked”

Super Duper Holiday Marketing Sale Bundle

In getting ready for 2014 and a new year of Blogging Concentrated, I’ve decided to part with some of my great training materials. There are a variety of books, audio CD’s and software that you’re going to love. This is a major collection of information that will keep your .mp3 occupied for 6 months of learning.

There is only 1 Bundle. 1st Buyer Wins

Take a look. I’m selling it altogether, one box to your address. So the first one to pipe up and pay is the winner!!!


Online and Offline Marketing Master Level Curriculum

And from the Home Business Success Academy (Joshua Fuson and Marvin Lightbowne) comes this fantastic Offline and Online Marketing Curriculum. Wait till you see what’s included:

Introduction How to use, apply and get success with your training (3 disks)

Course 1: Non-Internet Techniques to generate huge quantities of targeted leads. How to get prospects to pay you to talk to them Information Marketing (4 disk) Offline Lead Generation (2 disks). There are some real gems in here. I thought the stuff about getting your readers to prequalify themselves was brilliant.

Course 2: Time Management (4 Disks) How to Master your time and triple your results. Time to get focused. Some really smart strategies to get the important stuff done.

Course 3: Business Strategy to maximize your results, increase profits and grow your organization Business Strategy (4 disks)

Course 4: Advanced Prospecting . The Secrets to finding the right person and grabbing their attention (4 disks)

Course 5: Advanced Prospecting and Closing Techniques 202 (4 Disks). From a copy writing perspective I thought this stuff was amazing. Overcoming objections, using social proof. It was awesome. Some of the examples are from telemarketing, which made it really easy to understand. If you can think of your blog post as a script. . . you’ll really get this.

Course 6: Closing Overcoming Objections, Answering Questions and Demonstrating Confidence (3 disks)

Course 7: Internet Traffic and Copywriting. How to drive huge quanitites of targeted visitors to your website and unleash the power of the written word to sell. Internet Traffic (4 disk) Copy Writing (4 disks)

Online Visibility Training

And I’d love to introduce you to Denise Wakemen, an expert blogger who excels in improving your online visibility. Her book 5 Critical Tactics for Business Blogging Success (which includes an audio CD) is jam packed to boost your online visibility. It’s a fantastic read (or listen).  What I love about Denise is that she’s maintained the same core focus since I met her at NAMS 5 years ago. She’s not the Facebook lady today and the WordPress person tomorrow. She’s been about Blog Success since the beginning.


Google Website Optimizer / Experiments Training

Google Website Optimizer training guide from ROI Revolution. If you’ve wondered about A/B testing pages, this is a great course on the theories and practices behind it. Google has recently renamed the buttons in Google Analytics, but anyone reading this guide will understand how to get it done.


Google+ Training from Chris Brogan

Chris Brogan’s Google+ for Business Google+ is quickly maturing into an incredibly valuable channel for profitable business–and, because many of your competitors haven’t discovered it yet, it offers you huge new opportunities. Google+ for Business, Second Edition, will help you grab those opportunities right now.Top social media speaker and business advisor Chris Brogan will help you get great results fast, without wasting time or money. This fully updated second edition distills the experiences of leading-edge Google+ business adopters into powerful tactical recipes for everything from lead generation and nurturing to direct sales. Packed with new examples and case studies, it guides you through using Google+ for promotion, customer service, community building, referrals, collaboration, and much more. From start to finish, the focus is on results: generating more customers and more cash at the lowest possible cost!


Tax Tips for Writers and Entreprenuers

Carol Topp’s Business Tips and Taxes for WritersAre you a writer serious about making money and keeping it? Business Tips and Taxes for Writers takes the mystery out of the tax code and allows you to understand the business of being an author.
You will learn:
>The best business structure for writers
>Special tax breaks for writers
>Legitimate tax deductions
>Writing as a ministry
>Simple and easy record keeping
>Dealing with inventory and sales tax

And, so much more! This informative book will help you keep your hard earned money and have the peace of mind associated with doing it correctly!


Teleseminars Training

Cyndi Dawson of Teleseminar Secrets is legendary when it comes from how to profit from them. Cindi is the teleseminar coach that experts in every field depend on to keep them up to date on all the latest ways to use teleseminars for business building and profitability. In this audio she reveals 7 fantastic strategies to profit from teleseminars.

(And an unrelated bonus because it fit into the picture) I met John G. Miller, the QBQ Guy, at the Beech Retreat Blogging Conference in early 2013. His talk on Personal Accountability was fantastic and is encapsulated on this audio CD. If you’ve got kids, you’re really going to love his message.  His QBQ stands for the Question Behind the Question and helps you understand how you can help solve problems that are often thought of as others

20131206_163643 (1)

Learn the In’s and Out’s of Domain Names Audio Training

Not sure if you’re familiar with Anthony Morrison, but he’s built a pretty awesome internet empire and informercial business. This 7 disc Mastery Level Education series includes:

  • Domain Name Investing Strategies
  • Domain Name Buying and Selling Strategies
  • Domain Parking
  • Google Marketing
  • Media Buying Affiliate Marketing
  • and 3 Quick Profit Tips

Google Adwords basics

Adwords Basics for Dummies This mini guide covers how to set up adwords accounts, write winning ads and optimize your keywords. It’s a Google Special Edition, too. Topics covered include conducting quick and cheap market research, crafting a message that cuts through the clutter, choosing AdWords settings, bidding on keywords, setting a maximum daily spend, improving the Web page that an ad points to, testing strategies, tracking results, and using Web analytics tools


Photo Editing Software

BONUS: Microsoft Digital Image Suite for organizing, editing, creating, sharing and archiving photos. (PC version NOT MAC)

This collection of educational materials is worth $4,321. For this holiday sale, I’m sending it to you for $277 dollars of educational joy. I’ve only got one. First person to the button gets the treasure

Easy Authority Ideas

1040195_star_srb_2So your goal is to become the authority in your niche, I suppose. If that’s not your goal – I can only assume you’re running a lottery or counting on first time sales from ads. If you’re doing that and are rocking it – we’d love to hear your secrets. 🙂

Otherwise. . .

This is going to seem a bit counter intuitive to your current thought process – but this is straight Freud here.

The first thing you want to do, to be seen as an authority right away with your audience, is tell them something they already know. It sounds dumb – but when your thoughts are validated by someone else – trust naturally begins. So go ahead and tell them to put their pants on before their shoes – but tell them why that’s important while you’re doing it. Continue reading “Easy Authority Ideas”

What Can You Learn From Your (Black Friday) Campaign?

So I’m using “Black Friday” as a metaphor for any campaign you just undertook which also just ended. Just like list building, just like conferences and events, just like ebooks. . . a campaign is a tool to learn and grow your business.

If you don’t learn from it. . .if you can’t build upon it. . . if it doesn’t get easier each and every time then why are you doing it? Shouldn’t it get easier?

Think about the folks at Target the week, month and quarter after Black Friday. Think they got analysts figuring out what sold well, what didn’t sell, what products should have been on the top shelf versus the eye-level shelf? Did you visit Wal-Mart over Black Friday? Notice that they put bananas in all kinds of crazy places? They did that because it made them a lot more money last year. Think the Target guys are trying to figure out what sold at Wal-Mart that they failed to even carry? I bet they have entire teams dedicated to learning.

How dedicated is your team to learning?

So what analysis should you be doing now? And what analysis should you have done between Black Friday and Cyber Monday? Here’s some steps to print out and keep handy:

1. What did you sell? Let’s make a list of everything you made money on and how much you made. I mean everything from Amazon, ThinkGeek, AdSense,, GoDaddy . . . wherever you derive income. Don’t forget something because it is all important. Where you can, like Amazon, note whether the product was a direct link or something else they bought while they were there.

2. What did you promote? Let’s make a list of every deal that you published and promoted. If you’re using a spreadsheet put #1 in columns A and B and this one in column C.

3. What did people find organically? From Google Analytics export the keywords people searched to get to your site for Black Friday (or you campaign period).

ANALYSIS: Now let’s connect the dots between what we sold and how we sold it.

For instance if you sold 8 iPod Shuffle’s on Amazon during Black Friday but never once promoted nor have a web page about it. . . that would be an ancillary sale. That means someone clicked our Amazon link and then searched Amazon for other things. This is important to note because it tells us more about our customer’s actual interests. It tells us that’s what the customer was going to buy with or without us.

If we promoted the heck out of the “Nemo in 3D” DVD and sold 37, but find that not a single “Nemo in 3D” keyword was used to get to our site, then we know we were able to convince people to get it.

And if we sold a bunch of the fishing pole we posted earlier this summer, and see that “fishing pole” was one of the search terms people used to get to the site we know that organic search sold the product. That means we had the right product at the right place at the right time. If fishing poles didn’t show up in our search results AND we didn’t promote it, we know that people navigated around our site to find it.

If you really, really want to make more money next year then you’ll hire a VA in Australia, the Phillipines or New Zeland next year. And then at midnight on Black Friday have them start working on this analysis so you’ll have it when you wake up the next morning. Can you imagine how much more you’ll sell with this information on Saturday, Sunday and Cyber Monday? Seriously if a bunch of people bought that fishing pole you posted in July, might you want to republish that to your readers today?

And what about the products we promoted but didn’t sell? What about the DVD’s that we promoted just as much as “Nemo in 3D”. . . why didn’t they sell? What does that tell us about our readers’ interests? Where did our efforts go wrong there?

In Google Analytics look at the webpages that got good traffic but didn’t produce sales. Why didn’t they? Are we optimized for research keywords like “iPad features” and not commercial keywords like “cheapest iPad” or “Black Friday iPad deal”?

If today is the day before CyberMonday would it be good to use this kind of information to test and change the poorly performing pages? Would that be enough information to know what not to promote on CyberMonday?

And more importantly, shouldn’t we really be pushing the stuff that already sold? We can use the sales records to justify knowing what people want. Can we then start promoting that stuff? It does make sense to promote what people want to buy, right? And with a good month left before Christmas, might we want to work on our SEO for the products people are buying?

This is the kind of analysis you should be doing after each campaign to see how you’re performing, to adjust what you’re doing, to improve and meet the needs of your clients better. This is what running a business is really about. Growth and change.

With information comes confidence.

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Dan R Morris 

Make Products Guaranteed to Sell


So there’s a great way to make your own products without worrying about whether they’re going to sell or not.  In fact you could say there is a 100% foolproof way to figure out what your audience will buy.

The first thing you need to know is that people don’t buy products – they buy labels, titles and headlines. In fact, most people don’t look through the Table of Contents on Amazon before they buy the book.

They base their purchase on referral and the title. Continue reading “Make Products Guaranteed to Sell”

They Just Gave It Away


Ever heard of Sharyn Sheldon? How about Peg Baron?

They’re PLR Specialists. They spend their time writing and researching great content. Then they package that content and sell it to businesses who could use it to educate their audiences. I suppose those businesses could hire a writer, but PLR is a cleaner option than hiring a writer. (No payroll to start with).

But I’m not writing you to tell you about PLR. You can check out Sharyn’s site on your own, if you want. She’s got plenty ofinformation about what it is and how you use it.

Both Peg and Sharyn do some cool ninja marketing that I wanted to share with you. Continue reading “They Just Gave It Away”

Beyond Pinterest

So Pinterest is really hot these days. I seem to find more people talking about it than Facebook and Google Plus combined. Unlike Google Plus, however, people aren’t talking about Pinterest – they’re talking about the cool stuff they found there.

Hmmm. . . cool stuff, eh?

If people are finding cool stuff there, do you think your audience would like to hear about that cool stuff? Continue reading “Beyond Pinterest”