Setting Up the Backend

yay-6430360One of the hard parts about marketing and subsequently building a database of your customers is the back-end.
Even trying to market a single product can be difficult to do effectively, if you don’t have the back end in place. Once you’ve done the work necessary to acquire new customers, there’s no sense is spending the same money attracting them again. When you get their contact information, you have a “back end”.
The propensity of a person to buy something from you is highest if they remember you, trust you and appreciate the information you’re presenting. Having just bought a product from you, or having just eaten in your restaurant you already know you’ve jumped that hurdle.
So now you need to put a plan in place.
  1. Do you have an autoresponder like AWeber? This is a service that automates the customer contact process. You write a few e-mails and tell AWeber when you want them sent. For instance they can go out 1 day, 2 days 3 days or even 100 days after a person is added to your list. Putting this on autopilot is critical.
  2. You need to write a Thank You e-mail. You don’t have to spend 600 words showing your appreciation, but a simple Thank You is nice. Sometimes that involves attaching a special report or something extra as a bonus. That’s up to you.
  3. Ever see a one-time-offer? Either during the sale or just after your clients are in the best position to be sold a one-time-offer. To increase the amount of money each person spends, this is great way – but does take some front-end thinking
  4. Finally, and this is the hard part, follow-up e-mails. Content, content, content.This is where you can educate your audience, sell to your audience, amuse them, etc. . .
Without thinking about the backend early, you’ll lose early sales and customers. And then when you finally get to it, 6 months later, your list doesn’t even remember who you are. I assure you that you’ll regret not having a back-end when you send your first e-mail out and get a bunch of “what is this? who are you?” replies.
Look into, with an unlimited number of email lists, it will really open up your possibilities. For more info on niche internet marketing click here.