Getting it Done

I just came across the site after seeing Gina Parris talk about it on Facebook. This is an app you use to track goals, with the added benefit that you can have friends see your goals – like an online mastermind.1158794_business_target_1

You put dates on when you’ll get things done – and then check-in when you’re done. It’s like a computer accountability partner. I think it’s pretty cool.

For me accountability is the most important part of getting things done. Without a partner who helps motivate, focus and stay on your back – getting things done is hard.

Lists are great. But who doesn’t have old lists?

Do you use Evernote? That’s a great tool to help you organize your life and get things done.

If you’re looking for a mastermind group to help you stay on track, please check us out at – We can help you get a mastermind together, you could join ours or just be there to ask question.

And check out the intro video on the page – Pretty inspiring and very well done.

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