How to create a media kit

Screen Shot 2014-06-05 at 11.46.58 AMA media kit is a pretty important piece of the puzzle. It is not the end-all be-all by any means, you still have to create great content, be a steward to your community and be someone people trust.

But you need a media kit, often times, to get in the door. Other times your foot is already in the door and the PR Gal you’re working with just wants to put your media kit in the file.

And other times the media kit serves as a professional tool. In fact the next time someone says “Oh, that’s cute”, when you say you’re a blogger, tell them to take a look at your media kit. That quiets the ignorant.

So I’d encourage you to hire someone to help you make your media kit, get tutored on how to do it or buy this great ebook on making them.

If you’d like to hire us to create your most awesome super rockstar media kit ever, this is what we’ll have done for you:

    Full Package – $350.00

  • Conduct a reader survey that is tailored to your site via Survey Monkey (includes logo, coloring, questions, etc.)
  • Provide you with an easy to read report on the findings
  • Provide you with advice on going rates for advertising and sponsored posts of blogs in like size
  • Take key insights from your reader survey and create a professionally designed media kit that is unique to your niche and editable.

No two media kits are the same. By using reader survey information, we are able to pull out key insights that brands are looking when they work with bloggers. That’s where the gold is and is what makes you stand out.

If you’d rather have experts do it for you, click this button and we’re off and running . . .


Build a Better Blog Bundle

Five amazing bloggers (and us) who have created a business from their blogs have came together to share their work so you too can build a business blogging from your niche. This bundle isn’t limited by a style or theme. It isn’t limited by geography, finding a sitter or even your budget.

    • Lisa Woodruff, Organize 365, How to Get on TV
      Lisa Woodruff of How to Get On TV will tell you everything you ever wanted to know about how to get on TV
    • Kelly Snyder, Foxen Media, How to Write a Media Kit
      Kelly Snyder of How to Write An Effective Media Kit takes you step-by-step through the process of creating your own media kit – including the essential parts of a media kit such as an elevator pitch, demographic description, and your “about me” statement.
    • Dan Morris and Crystal Collins (a bloggers collaboration), the Marketing Calendar Blueprint
      The Marketing Calendar Blueprint will show you that while a blog planner is a nice thing to have, it only make sense if you know how to use it. Marketing Calendar Blueprint is a plan to stay in front of your audience all year.
    • Kat Lee, How They Blog, Blog Planning Kit
      Kat of Blog Planning Kit shows you more than just a way to get your blog organized. She shows you an entire system that will connect your blog dreams with your blog activities TODAY.
    • Tara Ziegmont, Feels Like Home, 25 Ways to Make Money Blogging
      Tara Ziegmont of Make Money Blogging shows you how to monetize your blog through increased readership, ads (including the pros and cons of various different types of ads), and other opportunities. She even shares what works (and what doesn’t work) on her own blog.
    • Kelly Gore, iBloom, Business Success
      Kelly Thorne Gore of iBloom in Business: Equipping You to Build a Successful Business & Live a Life You Love will help you fine tune your business, be a roadmap to success without all the detours, and serve as a life- long resource.

All 6 books if purchased individually would be $215 and you can buy the pack for only $37 which is a savings of $178.


This bundle will help even seasoned bloggers add income, define their purpose, plan their work and build their platform online and in media.

How to pin pages without pictures

Holy Moly! Did you know you could pin pages without pictures?  Did you know you could pin images on Facebook? Did you know that after you pin something you could change the location that users land when they click on the pin? While testing  out images based on my “how to make images go viral on Pinterest post”, I learned a few new things.

How to pin pages without pictures

So the basic idea of Pinterest is to categorize things that you like and find out in the world wide web onto your Pinterest wall. When you find something cool, you “pin” it. That means Pinterest goes to that webpage and finds an image it will use to represent that page on your board. In the end you have a wall full of images that are are really just links to webpages. BUT. . .

Pinterest gives you a little control over these pins. When you hover over the image, a pop up “Edit Pin” button becomes visible. When you click this button, you can edit the description, change the board it is categorized on AND you can edit the link. That means you can change the link. Continue reading “How to pin pages without pictures”

Why are you doing that again?

There are so many things to do, isn’t there? Podcasts, Pinterest, Facebook, e-books, email, Flickr, Youtube, Hubpages, Google Places, backlinks, Twitter, Stumbleupon, Cinch, Slideshare, Instagram, Digg, BlogTalkRadio, Kunaki. . . the list goes on and on.

Does the existence of a social network, a social utility or a marketing tool mean you have to use them? Of course it doesn’t, but then why do so many companies maintain presences on all of them? The answer is purpose.

When you begin your marketing efforts, make sure you have a plan and can execute that plan. If you can successfully execute an entire marketing plan on one network, then you can probably expand that to two. A well executed plan means you’ve tested your messaging so that it attracts the right people to your funnel. Then you’ve tested the parts of the funnel so you’ve maximized the number of prospects that make it to your goal.  Finally, you’ve tested the backend and have found surefire ways to monetize them over and over again. Continue reading “Why are you doing that again?”

Banner Retargeting Marketing Strategy

A well executed banner retargeting marketing strategy is a tremendous way to capitalize on all your other marketing efforts. Banner retargeting is a way to make sure that visitors to your website continue to see ads for your products/services on the web AFTER they leave your site.  Basically – automated outbound follow-up.

Executing it is easy. It is the practice of putting a cookie on the computer of someone who’s been to your website (specific pages that is). Then buying banner ad space that will serve your ads when someone with that cookie on their computer visits that page. That’s the entire program in a nutshell.

If you’ve ever wondered about doing an outbound telemarketing campaign to call past users of your product or perhaps a postcard campaign to your pile of business cards – you’ll like this.

Before I go further most people who don’t understand banner retargeting have the following two concerns. (And because they have these concerns they typically fail to hear the astounding benefits of a banner retargeting marketing strategy.) So let’s address those two questions: Continue reading “Banner Retargeting Marketing Strategy”

Ruby Tuesday Marketing Mistake: Birthday Program

Today I experienced a Ruby Tuesday Marketing mistake. You might consider it an operations mistake or just a miscommunication, but you’d be wrong. While birthday promotions involve the restaurant staff and the operations department, they are a type of “rewards program” designed by the marketing folks.

Today’s my birthday so I took a couple of my friends to Ruby Tuesday so I could get one of those fabulous handcrafted burgers. (You get a handcrafted burger on your birthday for free!) I checked my e-mail for a coupon from their SoConnected email club, but didn’t get anything. So I took my driver’s license that showed my birth date. Continue reading “Ruby Tuesday Marketing Mistake: Birthday Program”