The Definitive Guide to Monetizing Your Blog
Semester 1, Module 6, Online Class
There are so many ways to monetize your business. . . so many. Let's talk about them. Implement them. And grow more ways.
BZB101 6-1: Products? You never make as much money as when you’re selling your own products and services
- Don’t let the sale be the ultimate goal though. A big ticket product is still just an entry point into your business.
- Blogs sell services, too.
BZB101 6-2: Clickable Things Many things are clickable on a site, some create revenue. Here are some types of clickable links that create income. Some of them create income upon the click itself. Some require you to have purchased something after you click the link. And the bottom one doesn't require any of that.
- Ad Networks
- Private Ads
- Affiliate Links
- Impression Ads
BZB101 6-3: Membership Memberships have been around since the beginning of time. Rock bands have fan clubs, consumer reports has an information based membership, your local coffee shop has a frequent buyers club. People love to be part of a club.
- Fan Clubs. Can you create an atmosphere where your fans can chat amongst themselves? Is your niche specific enough that they will pay for it?
- Membership creates cheerleaders who refer others and grow your business.
- Fixed Term: 6 months at $29.95/month
- Drip Fed. . . one module per week vs all the information at once.
- Forum Based. . . ability to talk to the knowledge master directly
- Email Delivery . . . each week something new.
BZB101 6-4: Sponsorship
- Sponsored Posts. . . companies will pay you between $1 and $500 for a post on your blog about a specific subject.
- Sponsored Events . . . .you've seen these your entire life. Budweiser commercials during the Superbowl. Pepsi logos on 5K t-shirts
- Sponsored Clothes . . . Shannon Cherry has a clothing company that sponsors what she wears to events. Different companies have different needs. . Not everyone needs a banner ad in your sidebar.
- JV Partnerships . . . Who can you partner with to produce a product or service? [s3bubbleVideoSingle bucket="bccurriculum" track="PrimeBlogging5-4.mp4" aspect="16:9" autoplay="false" download="false"/]
BZB101 6-5: Let's Talk about Monetization (the ENMN talk)
Thinking about monetizing your blog? Many assume ads and sponsorships are the only way to do it. When we were at the Entertainment New Media Conference we gave a little talk on how can we look at monetization a different way. This is that talk.
[s3bubbleVideoSingle bucket="BloggingConcentrated" track=" ENMN Conference.m4v" aspect="16:9" autoplay="false" download="false"/]
BZB101 6-6: How to make $2,000 from your site [VIDEO]
We did a talk for the VANetworking Group this last week on how to make $2,000/month from your site. I think you'll find it valuable for your thought processes.
[s3bubbleVideoSingle bucket="BloggingConcentrated" track="2000dollarspermonth.mp4" cloudfront="" autoplay="false" download="false"/]
BZB101 6-7: Creating Passive Income (with Janis Petit)
We did a webinar with Janis Petit who is an expert at turning knowledge into products and creating passive income. She gives you lots of examples and methods for doing it. And she's turned that knowledge into a scientific process / system she would love to share with you.
BZB101 6-8: Monetizing the Ladder of Value
Do you understand your audience this well?
[s3bubbleVideoSingle bucket="BloggingConcentrated" track="LadderOfValue.mp4" cloudfront="" autoplay="false" download="false"/]
BZB101 6-9: Making Money 3 Ways
BZB101 6-10: Adding URL's to Adsense
One of our goals is learning how to use data and your resources to become a better, smarter business owner. Knowing which pages make you money is part of that process. You can't do that without adding your URL's into Adsense. This short video explains how.
BZB101 6-11: Optimizing the Adsense Dashboard
Adsense gives you lots of ways to track, compare, contrast and test ad locations on your site. All you have to do is spend a few minutes setting it up properly in the beginning. . . that's it. Then it's just a matter of sorting the performance reports different ways. This video will show you how.
BZB101 6-12: Why Adsense At All?
[s3bubbleVideoSingle bucket="BloggingConcentrated" track="adsense-why.mp4" cloudfront="" autoplay="false" share="false" download="false"/]
BZB101 6-13: All About Shopping Carts
When it comes to selling stuff online most people use Paypal. But is that the best solution for you?
In this webinar we cover many of the popular Shopping Cart programs.
BZB101 6-14: How to Sell Without a Shopping Cart
This is a quick tutorial on how to sell an ebook without a Shopping Cart.
BZB101 6-15: The Future of Sponsored ContentFuture of Sponsored Content
BZB101 6-16: Different Ways to Offer Sponsored Videos
[s3bubbleVideoSingle bucket="BloggingConcentrated" track="VideoSponsorship.mp4" cloudfront="" autoplay="false" share="false" download="false"/]
BZB101 6-17: How to Make a $5/day website
BZB101 6-18: How to do Affiliate Marketing?
Learn about using Affiliate marketing as an additional revenue stream...
BZB101 6-19: Create Kindle Books Fast
Daniel gave the FWMM group a marathon session showing exactly how to create assets on Kindle that can generate recurring revenue.
BZB101 6-20: How to sell on Amazon?
Sometimes you just don't need to be working.
[s3bubbleVideoSingle bucket="BloggingConcentrated" track="amazon-sales.mp4" cloudfront="" autoplay="false" share="false" download="false"/]
BZB101 6-21: Working With Brands, What Does it Take?
BZB101 6-22: What Services Can We Offer?
What Services can we Offer
BZB101 6-23: Monetizing Video
BZB101 5-23: Pinterest Money: Session Recording from NAMS 7
Listen to Dan's presentation from NAMS 7 on Pinterest Money.
Pinterest Money Audio File From NAMS7
BZB101 6-24: Ronnie Nijmeh Talks about Using PLR to Create Products
Ronnie talks about using PLR and other means to create courses and other materials your audience wants without creating them yourself.
BZB101 6-25: Liza Graves talks about creating a Groupon-like product
BZB101 6-26: Making Money with Swagbucks
[s3bubbleVideoSingle bucket="BloggingConcentrated" track="Ron-swagbucks-10mtt.mp4" cloudfront="" autoplay="false" share="false" download="false"/]
BZB101 6-27: How to Hold a Fire Sale
[iframe style="border:none" src="https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/3219425/height/100/width/380/thumbnail/yes/theme/legacy" height="100" width="380" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen]

Here are 43 Ways to Derive Revenue From Your SiteChoosing a Monetization Model
How to Price Sponsored Content
How to Add an Amazon a-Store to your Site
How Your Site can Make $2,000 per month
List of 86 Ad Networks .PDF
The Tools You Need to Create An Affiliate Site
How to Make $5/day
Optimizing Google Adsense on Your Site
Make Money Selling CD's
Content Marketing Mindset