I was told this week that “Hey” was the most successful subject line used in the Obama campaign.
The one that always gets me to open is “Got time for dinner this week?” As long as the guy is seriously saying let’s go to dinner, I’m totally fine opening those. I’d be upset if a marketer used that to get me to open an email about autoresponders.
Are you testing your subject lines? Did you know that in most email clients you can send a second email to the people who didn’t open the first? That means you could test your subject line.
I know in MyEmma (an email service like Constant Contact), they rolled our subject line testing this week. I love that!
Ya know. . . testing to get people to open your email just sounds spammy. Sounds like a greedy internet marketer trying every trick in the book to get you. But it doesn’t have to be.
People are busy. They get a lot of emails and sometimes they just can’t get to them all. That’s a bummer if you spend a lot of time on your business providing great information. . . with nothing to gain.
On the flip side, who isn’t here to help people? How can you help people if you don’t do the SEO necessary for them to find you? How can you help people if they can’t find the “download” button? And how can you help them if they just overlook your subject line?
Remember that you’re in business to help people AND make an income to provide for your family. So take time to figure out how to do what you do well. Do SEO well. Do email marketing well. Do blog posts well.
And your audience will thank you for it.
This week the fine ladies at SavvyBlogging.net allowed me to publish a guest post on their blog. While I spoke about how to learn from your Black Friday sales campaign, it’s really about how to learn from any campaign you put together. I’d love for you to jet over there and read it.
And if you have time. . . peruse the rest of their site. They’ve got a lot of great information. For more on common marketing mistakes click here.