
  • Topic: Is it SEO worthy? Are you writing about something people are searching for?
  • Keyword: What are we going after? (Create a Keyword Theme Map for your blog.)
  • Post Title: Should include keyword. Describe what we are talking about.
  • Related and Supporting Keywords: Go to –> Tools –> Display Planner and see what words are related and support. (like a blog post about bathrooms will organically include the word toilet, etc).
  • Content: Created the content with our main keyword and supporting keywords inside. Just use natural writing and describe what you are talking about.
  • More: Use the More Button.
  • How long? The post needs to be long enough to answer the question. Be thorough and Relevant.
  • Headings: Break up the article with subheadings that support the title.
  • Pre-sell: In the article, we need to pre-sell (can do it on every article). “If you love this topic, than you will probably love the upcoming xyz” – things like ebooks. Just a simple statement.
  • Related Posts: Find all our related posts and link them together.
  • Images: make it pinnable. Name it correctly (ie. Chickennoodlesoup.jpg), Use title and alt tags – good descriptions
  • Post-Specific: Need to fill in the this post-specific page title, meta description, and we want to categorize and tag it appropriately.
  • The Point: We need to have a point: A call to action, a lead to the next step.
      “If you are interested in working with me, click here to contact me” (contact)
      “If you liked this chicken soup recipe, what did you serve it with?” (comments)
      “If you need something to serve this with, try this garlic bread recipe” (link)
  • Rich Snippets: – what category does this post apply to (ie. Review, Recipe, etc.)
  • Promotion: Tell people about it. Automate with IFTTT.
  • video-of-the-day

      Remember, there are many posts that you don’t need to worry about optimizing. Some things people just don’t search for.

      So we need a keyword tool to help us learn which keywords will serve our business.

    Supporting Knowledge

    blog BC PRIME SPECIAL: This is one of the documents we publish for BC Prime. If you’re not a member, we’d love to have you.
    The Blog Post Publishing Checklist
    Video Just for fun! Does a Hyphenated Domain Name make sense?
    tools This is kind of a cool tool. Pulls images into your tweets.

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