Carrie Wilkerson’s Matrix

So, I got to hang out with Carrie Wilkerson recently. I hadn’t met her before and was real excited. She came to Nashville as part of her Radical Results tour.

Anyway, the goal of her trip was to teach radical results strategy, which I love. What I don’t like are lessons on zen thinking, time management or power napping.

Which is exactly what she finished the presentation with. However. . . . if what she said wasn’t eye-opening and awesome – there’s no way I’d be wasting your time talking about it.

She calls it her “motive matrix”, which she talks about more in depth in her book. (click here to get that)

Basically, this is a matrix to help you prioritize what you should be doing right now!

Step 1.

Prioritize these five things in order of importance to your business, right now:


Step 2.

Make a list of all the big, grand ideas you have in your head that you want to be doing. Don’t hold back – write down that awesome stuff.

Step 3.

Compare the most important thing in Step 1 to the list in Step 2. Throw away any big idea that doesn’t totally support the item in Step 1. If “cash” if your thing, then toss out ideas like Reorganize Files or Set-up new niche site. If Systems is your new thing, then toss out Guest Blog Posts and Blog Talk Radio

Step 4.

If you’ve narrowed it to 1, Fantastic! If not, let’s sort that list by the thing that’s going to make the biggest impact on your Step 1 Priority. For instance the biggest cash generator.

Step 5.

Allocate 1 hour per week to accomplishing the critical parts of that project. That means no e-mail, no texting, no phone calls. 1 POWER HOUR. That’s 5 hours/week or 20 hours/month. That’s a serious commitment to your business.

Step 6.

Re-analyze your priorities and projects every 40 days.

Finally, win! I love this idea because it puts purpose back into your business and it puts you on a track to success. So much of your time is spent browsing,  running errands, clicking on things and reading e-mails that very little gets spent on the business. With this system – that all changes.

Carrie writes a great deal more about this strategy and others in her book, The Barefoot Executive. For more on niche internet marketing click here.