Sidebar Ladder for BC Prime Members



Sidebar Ladder is being reworked the first week of April, 2015

Not Sure If You Need This Yet?
What if I showed it to you live?
What if I made it become real before your very eyes?
step1bc Pretend someone comes to your site, they saw the ad in the sidebar and signed up for your newsletter. . . Once that happens, you don’t need them to see that optin form anymore, do you? I mean they already signed up.
step2bc Since they just opted in, you send them a thank you email. In that you give them a link asking them to read a blog post on your site with more information (any blog post really) and they click the link. Guess what? The ad for the Newsletter sign-up goes away the moment you bring them back to the site. They don’t need you to see the ad again.

This time they see an ad for your ebook.

Everyone else sees the optin form still. . .just them, the newsletter people, see something else.

step3bc So sometime later. . . when you’ve got a new product. . . perhaps a new blog post or perhaps something totally different. You send you information about it with a link to the site and this time the ebook ad goes away. It’s information about your upcoming holiday printables.

Get it? Their experience on your site is different because they’re different. They’re a customer.


Watch the Tutorial Video!