More than 65 top digital marketers, podcasters and content creators around the world have once again come together to give you a "Stack" of their best trainings worth over $16,000 - all for only $49.
Each year, BC Stack assembles 65 full digital marketing "how-to" products and master classes into one Stack.
This is a resource designed for bootstrapping, DIY Entrepreneurs and Startups passionate about getting their knowledge, expertise, and ideas out into the world.
It would cost thousands of dollars to obtain all of this information separately, AND take even more time to figure out what you needed, but BC Stack makes it affordable, and instantly accessible!
From 6-figure bloggers, to 7-figure Amazon consultants, NY Times Best Selling Authors, TEDx Speakers, and the most "under the radar" success stories you'd never learn about otherwise, it is important that BC STACK experts be from different niches all over the world.
*NEW ADDITION #1 - BC Stackers now will have daily "Office Hours" included in this year's Stack, get your questions answered by digital marketing experts and build the confidence you need to succeed.
*NEW ADDITION #2 - A friend of the BC Stack community passed away this year. Robin Cockrell was an incredible affiliate marketer and blogger who inspired many entrepreneurs with her teaching and mentoring. In honor of our fallen friend, we're providing ten $500 business grants ($5,000 total) to deserving entrepreneurs who are truly pursuing their passions and just need a boost. To qualify for being one of the ten selected, all you have to do is fill out an application.
"I purchased the BC Stack and am in the process of going through everything & WOW!! What a great value that is."
Koralee Pearson - BLOGGER
"I feel like I've just enrolled in college without having to pay a five-six figure tuition. I'd certainly call it a steal. . . This is my golden ticket!"
haneef davenport - Marketer
"This is an AWESOME bundle. Thank you!!! Thank you!!!"
melody wigdahl - PLR EXPERT
Look at the Products That are Included
Product #1
Do You Need 2022 to be a Big Year! Do you Need Clarity? How to Scale? How to Create the Right Mindset?
Join expert James Lam, from Look Ahead Marketing, for an exclusive Three Day Event where you'll gain the tools and knowledge to create a powerful vision for the next 12 months.
Ever hear of someone spending $5,500 to go to a big mastermind or retreat or something? Well, you're about to. . .
Online healers and heart-centered entrepreneurs will reap the rewards from discovering a powerful strategy that fits their personal and online ethos.

WHAT'S IN BC STACK: James's $5,500 three-day event including workshops about heart and soul, mindset, conversion as well as tools to create a solid, impact producing plan.
Product #2
Shouldn't Your Live Video Strategy be a Robust as Your Blog's?
If your entire business revolved around livestreaming, do you think you'd perfect your show flow? Would you have a plan for the days leading up to each video? A plan for the days after publication? Would you know exactly which graphics to make, which audio snippets to grab and where to post them? Would you have every detail laid out so your live video strategy was frictionless and complete?
Jessika Phillips, host and founder of Social Media Week Lima, did just that and is going to share the entire Live Video Flow with you.
(Side note: I have been building a Checklist and Workflow on how to build BC Stack and it has taken me forever to jot down every step. When I saw this Workflow from Jessika, I immediately understood the value. - Dan)

WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Jessika's Complete Workflow and Strategy for Marketing Live Video and Livestreaming.
Product #3

Do You Want You To Be An Important Player in Your Niche?
Melanie Benson, host of the top 100 "Amplify Your Success Podcast", specializes in helping experts become leading authorities. She created this Authority Brand Podcast Toolkit that has helped her clients add another 6 figures to their business each year.
To become an authority in your niche, you can't just launch a podcast. You need to design a podcast that has a brand authority strategy behind it. Don't just settle for a podcast. Become the Go-To Authority in your community.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Melanie's Step-by-Step Video Training Course with checklists, timelines, templates and planners.
Product #4

How to Leverage Simple Little Mug Designs (that you can make in 5 mins) - to sell hundreds of mugs per day on Etsy and Amazon . . Without paying for Ads!
This is another one to geek out on. . . Robert Brown is an 8-Figure Amazon Consultant. He has shown 1,000s of students how to scale their e-commerce business with ugly little mugs. He'll show you how to turn simple mugs into high converting cash machines WITHOUT paying for traffic.
Robert will teach you how to build a real business, acquiring hundreds of customers per day and then how to sell them additional products all year round.
Right now you're attracting clients with content and then asking the buy products. How about creating a system to attract them with sales first, and then move them to the content!!
If you want to sell physical products to your customers, there is no better teacher. Grab this package from Ugly Mug Millions.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Robert Brown's Ugly Mug Millions Book (and audiobook), his emotional messaging multiplier, his Ugly Mug Funnel Strategy and his 971 Mug Niches Guide.
Product #5
Do You Have Problems Taking Risks?
Nada Lena Nasserdeen is a 2 time TEDx Speaker and founder of the award winning Rise Up For You Organization.
She is an expert at uncovering the reasons for imposter Syndrome. She helps people struggling with Self Promotion. She know what it's like to feel unseen in your climb up the corporate ladder.
Problem taking risks? These aren't genetic or permanent, but confidence skills are skills you can learn and overcome. Confidence can be developed which will lead to a more confident, successful you.
Enroll in this multi-module course and be on a better path tomorrow.

WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Nada's Multi-Module Confidence Course
. . . All of these plus more for one low price of $49
(and you get it instantly)
Product #6

Do You Need Clients For Your Services?
Customers and clients are the lifeblood of a business. Tom Poland is the expert at lead generation. He's the Best Selling Author of Leadsology: The Science of Being in Demand. Seriously, Tom Poland is in BC Stack this year!!!!!
Tom spent 24 years perfecting lead generation. Through his best selling books and programs, he has helped thousands of people bring their magic to more clients.
Through BC Stack, this one and only time, you're getting access to his $795 Killer Referral Machine Program.
If you've struggled with lead generation in the past, Tom is going to show you how to build one that really works. In many cases he will show you how to completely automate lead generation so you don't have to go after it. Instead you'll just see the "purchase complete" confirmation in your email.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Tom's $795 Killer Referral Machine Program
Product #7

Do You Need to Maximize the Reach Your Audios and Videos Get?
Geeking out here. . .can you believe Hani Mourra, the CEO of Repurpose.io is also in BC Stack this year? Holy Moly.
Anyway, you know you could be getting much more exposure to each content piece if you had an army of help. This class is going to teach you how to do that, without an army.
While making his own content, Hani Mourra wanted his own livestreams, videos and podcasts to get much broader reach. So he created software to turn each of them into 20 other pieces of content (including on Pinterest and TikTok).
And from that his company Repurpose.io was born.
We got Hani in a Live Class (so you can ask questions) to show you how to work smarter, not harder when it comes to content creation and distribution.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: A Live Class with Hani Mourra Teaching Repurposing
Product #8

Do You Want More Money To Build Your Business?
As entrepreneurs we are often told that it takes money to make more money. More often than not we look to our own resources and the resources of our families to fulfill this challenge.
Dawniel Winningham created The Art of OPM (Other People's Money) to teach people the often overlooked ways (like getting grants) for Entrepreneurs to grow their own business using Other People's Money.
If you need staff, technology, marketing support, advertising, inventory . . . or any of the other 1,000 things this is a don't miss training.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Dawniel's ART of OPM (Other People's Money) Course
Product #9

This is The Most Important Part of Every Online Business . . .
A Link Redirection System is an absolute necessity in every online business. But David Perdew's team didn't think there was a system nearly robust enough. So they built their own, which you get as part of BC Stack.
Have you ever posted a link that at one point became dead? Links to affiliate products, other websites, other places you monetize. Those links should always be able to be redirected to a new place.
BUT WHAT IF you could reimagine what a link redirection tool could do? What if you could track clicks of a shortener in Google Analytics? What if you could store, sort and group links to compare clicks among Facebook groups? What if you could shorten links for different domains all in the same place? What if you could attach social information to a link shortener so Facebook's link preview feature brought up the right information?
This product alone is worth the ticket to BC Stack.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: David's stand alone Web-Based Software Simple Click Tracking System.
Product #10

Do You Need to Make Your First Offer to Your Audience?
If so, Dr. Yam, the Keep It Simple Coach, is going to help.
You need a product. A product not only creates revenue and grows your community but it also creates a relationship with your audience.
This Design, Build & Sell Your First Offer Bootcamp takes you from a blank slate to the finish line. It's not only a course but also includes an actual task guide to create your content.
It includes templates to design your low content product, product images and social posts, an online funnel template ready to customize for your offer, AND promote it using simple marketing methods to build your email list or for easy revenue. This course is packed with all the free resources needed to take you every step of the way! With a bonus area to boot.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Dr. Yam's "Design, Build & Sell Your First Offer Bootcamp Kit (Course, Templates and Bonus Resources).
"I've got to say I've been blown away by the value."
christiena van espen
"Definitely going to blindly purchase the 2021 Stack as I did last year"
rat race solutions
"This is the best ever gift out there"
esme slabs
. . . All of these plus more for one low price of $49
and you get it instantly
Product #11

Wouldn't it be Awesome To Turn Your Inactive Subscribers in Active Fans Again?
You did all that work to build your audience. But now when you send an email how many don't even get opened? It takes a lot of work to build an audience, you need those people back.
Well Troy Ericson, the email paramedic behind the biggest names online, is going to teach you this absolutely unbelievable little hack to get those inactive subscribers opening your emails again.
And I must say this simple, 5 minute quick fix will be worth 1,000x the price of BC Stack. (When you see how it works, you'll say to yourself over and over and over "if only I'd known about this long, long ago. . . )
This is a very powerful video tutorial.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Powerful video training from Troy that will blow you away.
Product #12

Would You Love To Be Able To Start Quiz Funnels in Pinterest?
Pinterest is a major traffic source for many people. If you haven't used it yet, then this is a great place to start.
And if you're a Pinterest expert then you know how valuable it would be if your Quiz Funnel started there. In this course, learn how to set it up, how to reverse engineer it, how to make sure it meets all Pinterests specs and algorithms.
From a Professional Pinterest Manager, this is a must have course.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: The Only Pinterest Quiz Funnel Training on the planet.
Product #13

Do You Want To Blow Up Your Podcast? How about Your Business?
Nick Loper's "Side Hustle Nation" podcast has long exceeded 20 million downloads. Working with hundreds of podcasters, he broke down the process into growing an online business into 20 modules in this amazing course.
In this course you'll be armed with everything you'd need to know about podcast growth including subjects few discuss like "Getting featured on Best lists", "Doing Surveys", "Turning Listeners to Subscribers", and "Podcasting SEO".
20 million downloads of expertise here.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Nick's complete online course on growing your podcast and business.
Product #14

Do You Need Tools To Make Quality Content Creation Easier?
I was amazed when Neil Napier said yes to being in BC Stack, too. This year just gets better and better.
Constant quality content creation is a hard business. You need options that make it easy, that keep it fresh, that excite your audience.
Ever embed a YouTube video into a blog post because it was a great example of something you're trying to teach? Or maybe you've embed your own videos.
What if, instead, you could convert ANY YouTube Video into a fully formatted blog post & then share it to your social channels in less than 60 seconds?
What if you could post a YouTube video and have it automatically transcribed and turned into a complete blog post (with graphics) and then syndicated to all your social media sites, instantly? You can now when you get this.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Full access to the Web Based App Content Gorilla 2.0
Product #15

Do You Want to Fully Understand Facebook Advertising?
Amanda Robinson is a Facebook Ads Expert Extraordinaire. But even better than that, she's a teacher at heart.
In this Four-Module Workshop Amanda walks you through, step-by-step, the process of creating your ads. And then in the second lesson you learn how to use the Audience and Targeting features in the Facebook ads account. In the third lesson you'll learn about setting budgets and creating a strategy. And finally learn how to optimize your ads and use all the reporting and data to make decisions.
If you're considering doing ads in the future, or hiring someone to run your ads, you need this education.
p.s. "We took this course and it is totally worth the money you pay for BC Stack, all by itself - Dan and Rachel"
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Amanda's 4 Week Facebook Ads Live, Recurring and Rewatchable Bootcamp
Product #16

Do You Want To Monetize Your Podcast With Something Other than Ads?
When most people think about monetization, the first three things that come to mind are advertisements, sponsorships, and affiliate Income.
However, the unpopular truth is that ads and sponsors are not the most effective (or profitable) way to monetize.
In this course, Alex Sanfilippo shares some unconventional ways to monetize that no one else is talking about. The exciting part is that you can implement these things today and begin driving revenue immediately.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Alex's Course Covering Unconventional Ways to Monetize that no one else is talking about.
Product #17

Do You Want To Be A Much More Productive and Joyful Coach?
Being a coach or creator can be one of the most rewarding livelihoods! But even a job you love requires self discipline and masterful time management and productivity skills.
The problem is that most people are woefully untrained in productivity skills. And most likely that's because productivity is normally never inspiring or fun.
This simple and powerful course will give you a new method -- Joyful Productivity! Never before has learning about self-motivation, working through resistance and overcoming self-sabotage been an enjoyable experience.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: George's Complete Online Course on Joyful Productivity
Product #18

How Do I Build A Profitable Side Business?
The question Dan Miller gets most often from people who read 48 Days to the Work You Love is this one. And the answer isn't that you have to be a smarter person.
The answer is to dedicate 15 hours per week AND THEN fill those hours with a specific formula of work.
In this Masterclass you'll learn exactly that . . from the Master, and New York Times Best Selling Author, Dan Miller.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Dan Miller's 48 Minute Masterclass on How to Build a Side Business with only 15 hours per week.
Product #19

Do You Want To Master Getting Backlinks?
Google still loves good quality backlinks. Even if your keyword research is good, your on-page SEO is sound, your internal linking solid and Yoast lights are green, you still need link juice to rise in the rankings and get traffic.
In this course Chris is going to show you exactly how he built over 50 high quality guest post links in less than 12 months (shotgun style on a budget).
Put simply the more quality backlinks you build, the more traffic you'll get and the more money your website will make.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Chris's "SEO Secret" Ballistic Backlinks Course
Product #20

Do You Need to Figure Out A Side Business Idea?
The last couple of years have taught us we need to be better prepared for our financial future and our families' well-being.
It will also help you clarify your business idea, find 10 hours a week to put your plan in action, and determine which business areas to actually focus on so you can get started faster and with more clarity.
The hardest part about starting anything is not knowing what to do next. Now you have the plan.
Unlike other side-business courses, this "10-Hour Business Course" will you teach you how to develop a business plan that will list the specific areas (that most leave out) which require your attention.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Justin's 10-Hour Business Course.
. . . All of these plus more for one low price of $49
and you get it instantly
Product #21

Do You Want To Be Found in Google Searches?
How many times do you create an unbelievable piece of content only to see it get traffic for a few days? While social promotion might be fleeting, people are searching for your content every second. If only they were able to find it, you could have thousands and thousands of website visitors every day.
In this workshop Nkem is going to tech you the SEO factors you need to consider when writing, how to format your posts for better ranking, where to put your keywords, and how to SEO images and links. You'll walk away with checklists, copywriting templates and cheatsheets. A full-on SEO Workshop.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Nkem's Full On SEO Workshop
Product #22

Break Procrastination. Build it in a Day!
Sometimes all you need is momentum and energy in your business.
If your ideas have been sitting on the desk collecting dust, it’s time to launch and start making money! Using the guided templates, Michelle Sandler and her team take you step-by-step through creating a Course or Membership and Sales Page . . in a day!
You can start anytime, anywhere - even if it's the bathtub at 2am - it'll be there. You don't need to drive yourself crazy trying to figure out how to create it on your own.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Michelle's Membership and Sales Page Course
Product #23

Are You Afraid of Starting TikTok, but Know You Should?
TikTok has 800 million monthly users and, as a mompreneur generating big income from TikTok, Kristie Chiles can tell you it's not just kids. Everyone is starting to use it.
In this Teachable course Kristie shows you what she is doing to generate revenue. She also show you three other case studies of successful TikTok'ers so you can begin to use TikTok by modeling what is already working. TikTok is user friendly and you don't even have to be on camera yourself.
If you're interested in TikTok, you need this course today.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Kristie's TikTok (Without Being on Camera) Course
Product #24

Want To Fully Understand Email Marketing?
Email is still the best converting form of communication. But knowing all the parts takes a little work. Autoresponders, optins, campaigns, lead magnets, automation . . . all the parts associated with making money with email.
Ken walks you through each part of the puzzle so you know it with complete mastery.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Ken's Complete Email Marketing 101 Course
Product #25

Do You Want to Become a Social Media Influencer?
Do you understand how to leverage the hub-and-spoke model of social media? How about how to use it as an influencer? Do you know how to monetize what you're doing on social media?
In this Social Media Power Course learn the how and why of the business of social media. Aikyna Finch wrangled a diverse lineup of social media experts to share their strategies on how they converted their social media activities into passive income.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Aikyna's Social Media Power Course
Product #26

Want to Use ThriveCart to Set Up Your Sales Funnels?
Did you know you can house your sales page, checkout, and product delivery ALL in ThriveCart?!
In this brand new, hands-on video workshop, you'll get step-by-step instructions for selling and delivering a digital product with ThriveCart! Bite-sized video lessons, a beautifully designed, fully-customizable ThriveCart sales page template, and all the resources you need to start selling your digital product in just 90 minutes.
Don't let your business get bogged down with tons of systems. ThriveCart offers an all-in-one, streamlined solution for selling and delivering your digital products.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Monica's Hands-on ThriveCart Workshop
Product #27

Want to earn more with email? This profitability calculator will help!
Debbie Gartner made $173,000 through her email last year, and because she's goal oriented and loves data, she developed an Email Profitability Tracker to see just how effective her email was, and how best to spend her time.
She didn't start out making a ton from email, but keeping track of the data gave her the information she needed to constantly improve. It also helped her analyze marketing activities and gave her time much greater value.
Don't try to recreate the wheel, use this tracker and start making greater strides.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: 6 Figure Blogger Debbie Gartner's Email Profitability Calculator
Product #28

Do You Want to Get Paid for Your Skills?
The Freelance reFRESH is an online course that helps freelancers become more successful by developing systems and strategies to attract, engage, and delight their clients.
It's designed specifically for freelancers like yourself so it doesn't matter if you're just starting out or have been doing this for years. Sara will give you the practical and proven tools to help you in your freelance journey.
You'll learn how to attract your ideal clientele, engage them in meaningful ways, and delight them with your work. You'll build a strong foundation of loyal clients who keep coming back for more.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Sara's Freelance ReFresh Online Course
. . . All of these plus more for one low price of $49
and you get it instantly
"Just bought the BC Stack again and am SUPER EXCITED!!!"
jessica new fusilier
"I think this is the best offer I have ever seen in a Mastermind so far. "
lowanna wise
"Let's just say I'm still unpacking all the amazingness Stack has in it. . . "
tonia l. clark
Product #29

Do You Want to Know How Melody Wigdahl Built a List of 11k+ Subscribers in 18 Months?
Investing in the right kinds of marketing is the key to EVERY business's long-term success! However, many small businesses do not have a solid marketing strategy in place to gain brand awareness, boost visibility, and attract customers.
But Yes!! You CAN build a quality list of engaged customers without breaking the bank! In this 2 hour WORKSHOP - Melody will walk you through how to create the perfect lead magnet to showcase your expertise and attract your perfect client.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Melody's Live 2 Hour Lead Magnet / Audience Growth Course
Product #30

Do You Want To Build a Prosperous Business in 5 Hours per Week?
Connie has been a full-time online entrepreneur since 2006 and has put her knowledge of building an online business into a 4-Module course called Really Simple Short Reports.
Connie learned early on how to implement sounds online business strategies so she was making money while doing everything else. She'll teach you how to dedicate 5 hours per week to build a prosperous online business.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Connie's 4 module "Really Simple Short Reports" Course
Product #31

Would You Like Professionally Written Content You Can Use Right Now?
Thousands of articles and blog posts written every day just disappear in our social media environment. The feed is all about what’s new. Old stuff…even yesterday’s stuff, rarely resurfaces. Your audience needs you. That’s why it’s important that you are publishing new information for them to consume every week.
We want to help you do that. That’s why in these 6 packs you'll get, we'll give you 120 professionally written articles! You can use them as emails, post them to Medium.com or LinkedIn or Facebook, as blog posts, or as content for your podcast.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: 6 PLR (White Label) Packs of Content - 120 Professionally Written Articles You Can Use Now
Product #32

Want to Know How to Use Government Created Content to Generate Income?
Daniel Hall is the king of innovative ideas. I am blown away by every call and how unique his strategies are. In this program he teaches you how to take content from the Federal Government and turn it into products that you can sell to grow your business!
If you're a content creator, author, Kindle publisher, internet marketer or blogger, then you'll adore this idea. If you sell content, then you know quality content is not an easy thing to create. Their happens to be a tremendous source of content, the government is creating every day that you can use, sell and make things with. In this course Daniel Hall will teach you exactly how to use this content source.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Daniel's Federal Green Course
Product #33

Do You Want to Learn How to Self-Publish on Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)?
Everything you do online has a steep learning curve the first time. Self-Publishing on KDP is one of those things where you really need a veteran self-publisher help you figure it out.
In this course Becky Beach will show you how to do the necessary keyword research, how to create a cover, and how to avoid the things that get your submission rejected. You'll get to watch over her shoulder as she publishes a low-content travel planner on KDP and you'll walk away with the template so you can publish your own.
To help you publish content on Kindle, you get Becky Beach's Self Publishing Mastermind.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Becky's Self-Publishing Mastermind where she will take you step by step in self-publishing a travel journal
Product #34

Do You Want to Learn How to Grow Your Network (from home)?
Krystal is a networking expert. She has spoken at Dave Ramseys Solutions Influencer Event, she has taught inside Amy Porterfield's private membership and has been seen on stages like Podcast Movement. All by design and on purpose.
She's going to demonstrate for you the exact strategies she's used to make smart connections, grow her visibility, gain loyal fans and attract the top leaders across the digital space.
Whether you plan to host or guest on podcasts, you'll get tons of takeaways you can implement immediately.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Krystal's Video Training on the 4 Ways She Grows Her World.
Product #35

Love Writing? Would you Love to Become a Blogger This Year?
Becoming a Blogger is the one and only self-paced, action-packed program that teach you exactly how to start, grow, market, and monetize your own successful blog.
From the strategic coaching of long-time content marketer and blogging coach, Cate Rosales
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Cate's "Become a Blogger in 2022" Course
Product #36

Want To Learn How to Make a Bunch of Cash Quickly?
Product launches are scary, time consuming, and sometimes can cost a lot... And what if no one buys?!
But what if, instead of spending all of your time and energy making a huge month-long launch plan, you ran a 3 day flash sale instead? Make it super easy on yourself to launch a product before you spend weeks creating a huge launch plan.
Get the templates, graphics, and videos to learn how to set up your first flash sale to make you more money (and – BONUS! – you can use this new flash sale you've created over and over again to basically print your own money!). Inside, you get all of the customizable and editable graphics that you need to create promotions that convert, as well as video training on how to run your first flash sale.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Caroline's Complete Flash Sale Tutorial including templates, customizable and editable graphics, and videos
Product #37

Do You Want to Launch a Virtual Event?
Zoom and Covid have made virtual events acceptable and exciting, which means it's time for you to create a virtual event for your audience, and a virtual stage for the other experts in your niche.
Kimberly Crowe, founder of Speakers Playhouse, has put together a 2 session Masterclass for you to learn everything you need to know to create the event of the year.
Target Markets, Speakers, Interview Skills, Featured Guests, Using Influencers, Recording, Fan Engagement and Monetization are all parts of this training.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Kimberly's 2-Session Masterclass on Launching a Virtual Stage.
. . . All of these plus more for one low price of $49
and you get it instantly
"This has been the best Stack yet. Totally worth every penny"
alicia schmitt
"It has already changed everything I thought I wanted from my business. "
brandy lipscomb
"BC Stack is one of the best products I have ever bought. "
pat snow
Product #38

Do You Want To Create a Recurring Revenue Source?
Jennifer Henczel’s Mini Membership model is a strategy that can be used in any niche, at any level, no matter how big your audience. Jennifer Henczel will share how she attracted 100 paying members in 10 days when she launched her micro membership for her podcast community.
Jennifer will help you understand what products and services to offer your audience so that your membership is irresistible. And she'll teach you what tools you can use right away, no matter the size of your audience.
(There's a $3/month Sunday School Ideas Membership website that mails out Sunday School ideas on Wednesdays. It has 8,000 subscribers. Do that math.)
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Jennifer's Mini-Membership Course
Product #39

Do You Need Help Building and Launching a Program?
90 Minutes is all we need.
In that time Ellen is going to walk you through building a program based on what your audience needs and will buy, develop a complete outline of your program including the modules, sessions and subtopics.
Finally putting that all into a sales page where you can start generating revenue right away. Whether your program is live, an ebook, a course or membership you'll be ready to solve your audience's problems and start generating revenue.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Ellen's Build Your Successful Online Program Workshop
Product #40

Do You Want To Make Sure Your Business Is Legal and Tax Ready?
From Legalese to Legal Ease will help you navigate the legal landscape and identify the key steps to take to set your business off on the right foot. It will walk you through everything you need to know to set up your business for success and avoid any potential legal pitfalls - from how to choose a business structure to what legal pages, documents, and policies you need for your business, through the basics of business taxation, and much more!
With this valuable information at your fingertips, you'll be on your way to a worry-free legal future for your business.
Broken into bite-sized lessons, you'll be able to follow along easily without getting overwhelmed.
Start the course today and let us help you take the hassle out of setting up your business the right way!
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Lucrezia's Legaleze to Legal Ease Class
Product #41

Do You Want Brilliant Strategies in Pricing Your Products?
Are you just unsure about how to price your products and services? Afraid you might lose customers if you raise prices? Afraid you'll lose money if you price too low or lose customers if you price too high?
Well, you are not alone! Most entrepreneurs set their prices by throwing a dart against the wall. Learn smarter strategies that will align with your brand and reward you for the value you provide. After this you won't have to feel that anymore.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Jay's Pricing Products Masterclass
Product #42

Want to Build an Audience That Moves Wherever You Go?
Relationships are the key to sales that keep people coming back year after year. Even when something like Covid changes the way we network, and engage with each other. Whether you are a serial entrepreneur who builds and sells or someone whose interests change, there's no reason you can't take the customers and relationships with you when you pivot / change or rebrand.
Angela Wills has built businesses in dozens of niches of the last twenty years and has created a strategic method you can apply to create strong customer / people loyalty for any business you create.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Angela's Live Forever Customers Training and Tech Stack
Product #43

Do You Want to Take Advantage of the Millions on LinkedIn?
LinkedIn is the one of the most visited websites on the planet AND is also the only one that is full of people who need and can afford to pay you what you're worth.
In this course learn how to get customers to come to you instead of the other way around. Easily position yourself as the go-to expert in your niche (because truly most of your competitors are not using LinkedIn despite its popularity.)
If you've thought LinkedIn was just for corporate networking, but would love to get off the feast or famine bus, this training is for you.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Heather's LinkedIn for Solopreneurs Course
Product #44

Do You Want to Be One of Those People That Make You Feel Like You're The Most Important Person in the Room?
Conversation is more than just communicating. It is talking to another person or persons on a deeper level, while listening to understand what they are saying. It’s how we connect with and learn from others.
There is power in the art of having a conversation. Conversations can come in several types and occur in a variety of different situations. For some, participating in a lengthy conversation can be stressful and difficult, depending on whether you prefer to listen to others or would rather do more of the talking.
This 4-week course, taught by someone with over 30 years of experience of experience in multiple communication areas, will enhance your ability to do more than communicate your ideas, you will learn to enhance your relationships through conversations.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Sue's 4-Weeks to Better Conversations Course
Product #45

Do You Wish You Knew How To Make Your Business Tasks Easier?
Let Your Biz Be Easy is the only course on the market designed to help you identify ways you are making your business harder than it should be. AND how to do things differently in order to increase your revenue.
This course is taught like you've hired your own personal business coach and will help you get the most out of all the courses in BC Stack (plus the ones you have on your hard drive you haven't gotten too).
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Frances's "Let Your Biz Be Easy Course"
"I buy this every year. The only thing I buy not knowing what is in it."
Jennifer e. burke
"Thank you Stacker-Givers for being so generous giving incredible, real implementable knowledge"
Anuschka Ollnow
"I am absolutely over the moon with the products I have gone through so far. "
mascha weston
. . . All of these plus more for one low price of $49
and you get it instantly
Product #46

Do You Want To Learn How to Create a Passive Income Source?
The goal of a digital marketing business isn't to meet someone on Facebook and then have them buying your $2,500 course five minutes later. A TripWire Sales Funnel is designed to bring your ideal customer's into your community where an automated marketing plan can nurture that relationship and provide the much bigger and more comprehensive tools your audience needs to achieve their goals.
Leanne is the founder of Passive Income Superstars where she has taught over 14,000 bloggers and digital marketers how to build these passive income streams, and often times retire their 9-5 jobs.
If that sounds like what you need for your business, this in-depth course is for you.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Leanne's "Tripwire In A Day" in-depth course.
Product #47

Do You Love Coaching, but Hate Being a Sales Person?
If so, you'll love this course by Colin Yearwood.
Because being the sales person and the coach isn't the best way to grow your client base, there is a more effective way called the "Bridge Method".
In this course learn how to form a connection between your prospective clients' challenges and their goals. You'll learn how to help them identify those challenges and then coach them to success. Then when you offer to help them implement those solutions, the sale is made. Effectively growing your coaching business by coaching.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Colin's "Selling" Coaching Made Easy Course
Product #48

Do You Want to Really Master Video Creation and Marketing?
Even if you don't do videos, you can't deny the world is watching them. TikTok, Reels, YouTube, Livestreams, Stories . . . everywhere you look there is video. Now is the time to jump in the pool with professional looking videos.
Professional videographer Lou Bortone will give you a step-by-step system for creating your own marketing strategy, he'll provide a challenge framework to having you making 31 videos and provide all the templates you might need.
This 4-course bundle is all you need to master video.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Professional Videographer Lou Bortone's Video Boss Bundle
Product #49

Are you Rebranding? Or Just Looking to Create a Brand?
Rebranding (and branding) can be scary to think about, but it can also be the one thing that truly gets your audience fired up and excited. Kate Danielle is going to give you the tools to do it the right way.
This 31 minute power-packed workshop will give you the tools to overcome all the annoying hurdles you face like choosing fonts, colors, and creating logos.
Not only that but after the course you'll be left with a workbook and all the guides you need to rock your rebrand.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Kate's "Easy Breezy Branding" Power-Packed Workshop (with guide and videos)
Product #50

Do You Want to Get Better at Marketing on Instagram?
Whether you are muddling your way through Instagram or you are a pro this Instagram Kit is here to make your life simpler.
If you need help with strategy, content ideas, design or you want to hop on the Reels train but dancing isn't for you this kit has you covered.
The Instagram Marketing Toolkit contains beautifully designed templates, content ideas and plans, story prompts and Reels guides you will never be at a loss for what to post again. This kit will help you create engaging, brand building content saving you time and money.
And if you need help getting your content in front of your target audience the strategy guide is full of quickly actionable, easy to follow steps that will have your views and engagement leap.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Cat Griffin's Instagram Marketing Toolkit
Product #51

Want to Have Confidence That You're Building a Winning Course?
A great deal of work goes into creating and running an online course. There are five key elements that create an outstanding course that’s guaranteed to sell.
They include: solving a problem, giving a reason for your solution, creating relevant content, a solid marketing and promotion strategy, and continuous improvement with feedback. Learn from start to finish how to create a stellar course, and start making some passive income.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Cousett's Complete Course In A Box
Product #52

Need to Publish a Book Fast?
Donna Kozik, founder of the Write A Book in a Weekend Workshops, is going to help you go from book idea to Amazon–on the double!
Step-by-step training and checklist to establish instant credibility in your field to grow your audience of ideal clients and funnel them into your programs.
Donna Kozik is world's best book coach, that's why you're getting her program AND her training on How I Made 100K in 90 Days to Grow My Confidence and Boost My Bottom Line
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Donna's Need To Publish a Book Fast Program AND her bonus training on "How I Made 100K in 90 Days"
Product #53

Did You Know You Can Make Money Selling Printables!
If you're looking for another way to generate income from your business, then this is the course for you!
In this course, Carmen will teach you how to create 5 high demand printable products to sell on your site. You'll be given worksheets and product ideas that will have your printables selling in no time! I'll show you how to create these 5 printable products that people are looking to buy. You will learn: How to find your niche market? What types of printables are popular and how to create them easily in Canva? And I'll even show you how to use Canva to make them.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Carmen's "Create 5 High Demand Printable Products" Course
"Love Love Love BC Stack 2018. And this year's Stack seems tailored to my needs"
Dominique Dabolczi-Fekete
"So far it has totally exceeded my expectations"
KElley post
"I want to express my utmost gratitude for BC Stack 2019"
. . . All of these plus more for one low price of $49
and you get it instantly
Product #54

Do You Want Your Videos to Reach Millions on YouTube?
If you love the idea of using YouTube and capturing your share of their 122 million active daily users, then you’re in the right place!
However, just turning on your phone and recording your first thoughts thinking they’ll get you noticed right away isn’t going to cut it! When it comes to YouTube, it’s smart to incorporate proven strategy into your plans; otherwise, you’ll be sorely disappointed with your results.
As big as YouTube is with its millions of viewers, you’ll need to actively market your channel and you’ll receive great ideas in this planner. Discover how to create the right videos that attract your ideal customer, so you can sell them your products & services.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Kerry's YouTube Marketing Course
Product #55

Audience Building: A Key Digital Marketing Skill
The hardest part about building a business online is creating a community of people who will support your business for the long term.
Social Bliss Audience Building Blueprint program gives you everything you need to learn how to develop the mindset to successfully grow your audience, put everything in place for maximum audience growth before you even start, use best practices for attracting your audience on the top social media platform, and encourage social media followers to join your email list.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Angela's Social Bliss Audience Building Blueprint
Product #56

Do You Want to Turn Your Readers into Buyers?
You've got your website all set up and ready to dig into connecting deeper with your audience to turn them from readers to buyers.
But how do you do that?
In this workshop, you'll learn how to create your first email opt-in to wow your audience with a dazzling freebie that they actually NEED. You'll also learn tips and tricks for integrating your subscribe forms and an over-the-shoulder view of my personal tech stack that I used to grow my first 1000 subscribers for free. This isn't just some ideas of what you need to do, but HOW you need to put all the moving parts together. This workshop is perfect for entrepreneurs who are just getting started with email marketing.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Sasha's "Turning Readers Into Buyers" Workshop
Product #57

Would you love to be awesome at Branding?
While we all have probably chosen a niche topic and had a website built, how many of us have really thought through the Branding perspectives. Colors, the name, the look, the feel . . . all need to be consistent from one week to the next, from one product to the next, from one of your social media channels to the next.
In this course 20-Year Veteran Peachi Williams is going to teach you branding, creative conceptualization and copywriting as it pertains to your brand.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: 20 Year Veteran Peachi's Plan Like a Brand Course teaching branding, creative conceptualization and copywriting
Product #58

Book Marketing Starts with Images
Once you've written your book, you're about 1/3rd of the way done.
One of the more important pieces of the puzzle is marketing, and that starts with the KDP page, the Amazon book page and the website landing page where you're selling the book.
You really need great images to give the buyers and really good feel for what's on the inside. That's where images and mockups come into play. In this product Nuria gives you her Canva drag and drop book Mockups so you can instantly have images of your book on coffee tables, shelves, open to key pages and other great graphics by just dragging your pages or covers into the mockup.
These are must have resources for book marketers.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Nuria's Easy Book Mockup Creator program
Product #59

What if the Wall Street Journal mentioned you? Let's talk about Effective PR Strategies.
What kind of credibility boost could you get if USA Today wrote about you? Wall Street Journal? NBC News?
One sure way to get your brand in the public eye is by using the media to your advantage. While you can spend $40,000 on a PR firm, it's not the only way to get mentioned. With this course, you'll learn tried and true techniques for landing media coverage even if you don't have a large budget.
(Side note: Get mentioned in the media just a few times and you'll be able to start the process of getting a Wikipedia page).
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Award Winning Communications Professional Misty Stark's "PR for Small Business Course"
Product #60

Do You Want To Build a Course?
This fully comprehensive planner on "how to build a course" is two-products in one.
ONE. Use this planner to completely plan and implement your own course. It covers everything from alignment, demand, target audience, modules, delivery, and student process.
TWO: This planner is also a course you can customize and turn into a product. You could turn around right now and sell this exact course to your audience.
It's a course on making a course and it's a new product for your store. Two in One.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Nicole Dean's "Course to Build A Course"
Product #61

Want to Get Better at Affiliate Marketing?
Learn the fastest way to become an affiliate marketer. Don't worry about applying to dozens of affiliate networks and affiliate programs and hoping they approve you. Jessica Mele will show you a method most people don't know about to get access to promoting thousands of affiliate programs - the easy way.
You don't need to be technical, and you can start promoting products almost immediately. Learn how to look professional with your articles or social media content to start earning money as an affiliate now.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Jessica's "Be An Affiliate Now" Course
"I got this last year and bumped my income from BC Stack. Can't wait to see how these new ones will help me grow even more. Thank you BCSTACK!!!!"
amy pollard busch
. . . All of these plus more for one low price of $49
(and you get it instantly)
"OMG . . I just exceeded 1,000 subscribers on my list thanks to you and BC Stack. . . And, I did it under 4 weeks!"
debbie gartner
"I was beginning to think my coaching dream was a waste of time.
I can't begin to properly thank you for what you have blessed me with."
Patty militello
Product #62

Want to Make Money with Amazon?
Did you know Amazon has an Influencer Program and an Affiliate Program?
How do you grow your Amazon Influencer income when you don't have a large audience? You can grow your passive income from your Amazon Influencer account, in addition to your affiliate account, with or without a large audience. In this intro workshop, we'll show you the easiest (and fastest) way to start generating income in the next month.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Kathleen Kobel's "Amazon Influencer 101" Course
Product #63

Want to Get Better at Managing Your Pinterest Strategy?
Pinterest can be a major traffic source if you have a pinning strategy and can work on it consistently. But without a smart workflow, managing Pinterest can take over your life.
This Streamline Your Pinterest Toolkit teaches you how to organize and manage your overall Pinterest strategy, to keep it from becoming overwhelming. It teaches you how to use Asana and comes with templates as well as video tutorials and organizers.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Anita's "Streamline Your Pinterest Toolkit"
Product #64

Have You Considered Creating a Membership Site?
Paul Klein is a membership site expert and consultant.
You really want someone like Paul looking over your shoulder as you put all the pieces in place. Having that unsure feeling of "Is this right?" is the worst feeling for sure.
Paul created for you a comprehensive checklist to follow to make sure you have all the pieces in place to get customers, engage them and build a recurring income.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Membership Expert Paul Klein's Ultimate Guide to Creating a Membership
Product #65

Do You Want to Stop People From Stealing Your Content?
Stop Content Thieves in Their Tracks! Issue & Enforce Takedown Notices | Learn how to protect your online content & step-by-step how to legally force others to take it down if they are dumb enough to still try to steal it!
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Debra's "Stop Stealing My Content" Course
Product #66

Do You Need a Solid Lead Magnet Template?
We've heard for years that content is king. If only there were enough hours in the day to do the research and know the right kind of lead magnet that will convert to subscribers and ultimately super fans and customers of the solution you have to offer.
Fearlessly Create a High Conversion Lead Magnet with this template you can make your own to boost your authority and your conversions with this lead magnet template and training created specifically with you in mind.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Stacy Zant's Lead Magnet Template and Training for Content Creators and Bloggers
Product #67

How To Create An Automated Content Marketing Funnel and Winning Blogging Content Strategy from Scratch That Attracts & Converts Leads Into Paying Clients
Whether you're a coach, consultant, or knowledge expert, you need to continuously attract new clients and establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry. No matter what service or product you're offering, it is critical that you have a solid content strategy in place and a content marketing funnel that will do the heavy lifting for you.
In this in-depth video training session, Chad pulls back the curtain on one of his best converting content marketing funnel strategies that successfully brings his clients a continuous stream of prospects 24/7 without having to fork over money for Facebook Ads.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Chad's Power Packed Training on Content Marketing Strategy
Product #68

Do You Need To Know How to Build Your Own Websites?
Don't start building a website from scratch without knowing some of the things others have learned and perfected over time. A website can be a revenue generating, not just a company brochure.
From messaging to SEO to social media, Lori hits the highlights and teaches you techniques you can use today to make sure your website is generating leads for your business.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Lori's Six Module "Profitable Websites 101" Course with videos and worksheets
Product #69

Don't Wait for Them To Call You. You Can Book Yourself To Speak.
Just like everything that can be done well, if you do this for a living you learn all the tricks of the trade. In this training learn how to position your talk, how to position your expertise so that you are irresistible to event planners. You'll learn what you need in your electronic press kit, how to craft your language and how to find the right event planners and bookers.
You don't have to wait for lightning to strike. You can make it strike on your own.
WHAT'S IN BC STACK: Speaker Talent Developer Al Jensen's "You Can Book Yourself to Speak Course"
"Thank you for such an amazing Stack (again)"
dusty pendleton
"Wow Really great Stack again this year."
mike goode
"This investment is already working out to be the best investment."
suzanne sukhram-farmer
I want BC Stack for $49
You get all these products together as one package at one super low price.
Dream Big 3 Day Workshop ($5500 Value)
How to Become the Top Expert in Your Niche ($752 Value)
How to Automate Your Audio and Video Repurposing ($997 Value)
Killer Referrals Machine ($797 Value)
Audience Building Blueprint ($744 Value)
Plan Like A Brand Class ($597 Value)
Profitable Website Building 101 ($349 Value)
6 Complete PLR Modules ($342 Value)
Ugly Mug Millions Book & Course ($299 Value)
How to Use Other People's Money to Grow ($299 Value)
Ballistic Backlinks ($297 Value)
Setting up Your Biz for Tax and Legal Ease ($297 Value)
Creating Forever Clients ($297 Value)
The Pricing for Profits Masterclass ($297 Value)
Building a Complete Course in a Box ($297 Value)
Joyful Productivity for Coaches and Creatives ($199 Value)
50 Action Steps to Publish a Book Fast ($199 Value)
Wordpress Click Tracking & Redirecting Premium Plugin ($197 Value)
Becoming a Successful Freelancer ($197 Value)
Book Yourself to Speak ($197 Value)
Launching Your First Virtual Event ($197 Value)
Design, Build & Sell Your First Offer ($147 Value)
Becoming a Blogger in 2022 ($147 Value)
Optimize Your Business to Make it Easier (Hacks) ($127 Value)
Converting Inactive Subscribers Into Active Fans ($97 Value)
Becoming more Confident ($97 Value)
Complete Strategy to Marketing Live Video ($67 Value)
Growing a Podcast Audience ($97 Value)
Monetizing in Unconventional Ways ($74 Value)
How To Start a Business in Just 15 hrs per Week ($97 Value)
10 Hour Business Course ($97 Value)
Using Government Content ($67 Value)
Pinterest Management Optimization ($97 Value)
SEO for Content Writers ($47 Value)
Pinterest Based Quiz Funnels ($37 Value)
How to Build a Course or Membership Sales Page in a Day ($47 Value)
Mastering TikTok (without showing your face) ($47 Value)
Email Marketing Course ($67 Value)
Email Profitability Calculator ($47 Value)
Thrive Cart Sales Funnel ($97 Value)
Linkedin for Solopreneurs ($67 Value)
Self Publishing on Kindle ($47 Value)
How to Build a Flash Sale ($97 Value)
Tripwire and Sales Funnel Class ($97 Value)
Social Media and Live Streaming Power Course ($75 Value)
ReBranding with Canva ($37 Value)
Content Planner ($47 Value)
Learn How to be an Affiliate Marketer ($47 Value)
Setting Up Your Lead Magnet ($97 Value)
Low Content Book Publishing ($39 Value)
Facebook Ads Bootcamp ($49/month Value)
Audience Building ($67 Value)
Really Simple Short Reports ($99 Value)
How to Increase Your Connections and Visibility ($99 Value)
How to Build Micro Memberships ($97 Value)
Building a Program and Sales Page that Sells ($Value)
YouTube Marketing ($97 Value)
Mastering the Art of Conversation ($197 Value)
Instagram Marketing Resource Kit ($49 Value)
How to Sell Coaching ($67 Value)
Selling Printables ($67 Value)
Public Relations Summer School ($96 Value)
Building a Membership Site ($97 Value)
Protecting your IP ($47 Value)
"I was shocked when I learned about BC Stack. There is so much in there. . . I know I will need in the future."
"This is my first year buying the Stack and it won't be my last."
staci lynn novinger
"The value of this is so many more times the actual price."
OK, Now! Any Questions?
(Here's our FAQ's to start.)
We would love it if you wanted to help share BC Stack. There are so many good products in here and we can’t reach everyone who needs it on our own. You can either signup on your own at https://bloggingconcentrated.com/members/aff/signup OR send us an email at DanAndRachelM@gmail.com and we’ll sign you up and send you everything.
The whole idea of BC Stack is to introduce you an audience to new experts and give the chance for the experts to grow a new audience. For the experts this is a chance to get in front of thousands and thousands of people they couldn’t get in front of otherwise. And since it is only one week, they are willing to provide their products to BC Stack just for the chance to meet you.
On the flip side, we can’t reach the entire world on our own. So we ask you to help share it with your friends, audience and community AND we use the $49 to help pay you a 50% commission and bonuses. It’s just a great project for everyone.
BC Stack takes place the second week of June every year, but it's only live for 7 days. After that we take down the page and get ready for next year. You can buy it later as long as it is before the timer runs down this week. Then it's gone.
When you click the BUY button, you’ll be sent to the checkout page where you will be asked for your name, email and username info. Then you can choose between PayPal and Stripe (credit cards).
When you finish the transaction you have to press “Return to Merchant” button . . . that’s an annoying step. Then you’ll be taken to the products page. ***You’ll also get an email with the link.
You will receive access to all the products listed on the BC Stack sales page. (And I’ll send you some unannounced stuff via email). They are yours to grab until August 20th . . . then you get to keep them forever. But you have 60 days to go get them. I send instructions via email.
Yes, you'll have a couple of chances in the shopping cart process to pre-buy next year's and attend some live training.
Once you purchase BC Stack you will receive an email with a link to the downloads page. All instructions on how to access them are in the email and on the downloads page.
Now, not all of these are downloads. A livestream pass to a conference is not a download, nor is access to a UDEMY course, or a software membership. So each product has a different redemption path. Some are downloads, others you register for, etc. . .
Yes!! This year we added Stripe, which is a credit card processor.
Check your Spam and Junk folders first. Or login at https://bloggingconcentrated.com/members/aff/aff and click the link in your dashboard.
And then if those don’t work, email me: DanAndRachelM@gmail.com and I’ll take care of it.
You can always reach out to us at DanAndRachelM@gmail.com - we'd be happy to help. Also there's a Facebook group where people are always asking questions at https://facebook.com/groups/freeweeklymastermind
No, but you don’t have to download them all. Plus our goal is to make sure every product has a retail value of at least $37. That way if you only use one thing, you still get a great deal.
Sadly, no. We didn’t set it up with the experts that way last year. . . that may be something we do in the future.
Sure. We can do that. We can put things on DVD, thumb drive or CD. Just email us at DanAndRachelM@gmail.com and we’ll tell you how much that will cost. But most of the things aren’t books . . they’re tickets, software, webinars . . . that just can’t be put on a disk.
Yes and No. We would love for you to share the opportunity to buy BC Stack. That’s why we have an affiliate program. If you would like to make a 50% commission for sharing, email me and I’ll make that happen. DanAndRachelM@gmail.com.
Otherwise, we ask that you don’t just send the products to others. The experts are doing this on good faith and are expecting you to operate the same way.
You should have no problem whatsoever.
No, there are no refunds,. Once you purchase BC Stack you have full access to these products. We have the rule because you could buy the Stack, then download or register for everything, then ask for a refund. When I was a teen I worked at Blockbuster Video and remember people coming in telling me they didn’t like the video they rented and asked for their money back. That wasn’t a thing either. BUT we will make sure you get everything you paid for . . . and some bonuses.
Get All 65 products for one price . . but only this week. Don't Let This Offer Pass You By!!
I want BC Stack for $49

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