The Definitive Guide to Outsourcing and Building Teams
Semester 3, Online Class (13 Credits)
Self Paced
BZB301 17-1: You Don’t Need Help, You Need Leverage
BZB301 17-2: Using a Virtual Assistant
Semester 3, Online Class (13 Credits)
Self Paced
BZB301 17-1: You Don’t Need Help, You Need Leverage
BZB301 17-2: Using a Virtual Assistant
BZB301 17-3: Outsourcing with Erica Cosminsky
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BZB301 17-4: The Case for a HouseKeeper
One common mistake small business owners make is failing to outsource what isn’t aligned with the goals of the family and the business. While that often means accounting, legal and things like fulfillment, it can also mean domestic duties.
What I found most interesting at conferences I’ve attended lately is that talk of hiring a housekeeper is akin to killing one’s identity. Somehow our ability to maintain our own homes ourselves is part of our pride, it’s part of what makes us who we are.
But I argue that’s the wrong way to think about it:
Now you’ve heard my case for a housekeeper. What’s yours?
BZB301 17-5: Creating Teams to Build Leverage
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BZB301 17-2: How To Outsource Work