Get Your Blog Set Up

BZB101 Module 2: Getting A Blog Up, Live and Configured

BZB101 2-1: Platform Options Strategic management of information technology, project planning and implementation.
  1. WordPress
: The big dog
  2. YouTube : Already present with a growing audience
  3. Wix: Free and easy
  4. Blogger; Free and easy with Google integration
  5. BrainstormTools: A blog university in a box
  6. SoundCloud: A paid Podcasting platform
  7. iTunes: Huge audience to piggyback on
  8. Custom: Money, Design, precision

[s3bubbleVideoSingle bucket="bccurriculum" track="PrimeBlogging2-1.mp4" aspect="16:9" autoplay="false" download="false"/]

BZB101 2-2: Now we’re live (3 cr.) When we're talking about taking your site from an idea in your head to something online, follow these steps.
  1. Get yourself a Domain Name (Mobile Home)
  2. Find a Hosting Company (Real Estate)
  3. Learn to use the cPanel (Your control dashboard)
  4. Super Easy, but somewhat insecure Fantastico (Load it up)
  5. Let start logging in and getting to work

[s3bubbleVideoSingle bucket="bccurriculum" track="PrimeBlogging2-2.mp4" aspect="16:9" autoplay="false" download="false"/]

BZB101 2-21 5 Steps Before You Get a Domain Name

BZB101 2-22 Registering Domain Names

BZB101 2-23 Setting up WordPress

    A. WordPress Setup:

    [s3bubbleVideoSingle bucket="PLRVideosBC" track="wordpress-setup.mp4" cloudfront="" autoplay="false" share="false" download="false"/]

    B. WordPress Settings:

    [s3bubbleVideoSingle bucket="PLRVideosBC" track="wordpress-settings-2.mp4" cloudfront="" autoplay="false" share="false" download="false"/]

    C.  Wordpress Dashboard:

    [s3bubbleVideoSingle bucket="PLRVideosBC" track="wordpress-dashboard.mp4" cloudfront="" autoplay="false" share="false" download="false"/]

    D.  Wordpress Customization:

    [s3bubbleVideoSingle bucket="PLRVideosBC" track="wordpress-customization.mp4" cloudfront="" autoplay="false" share="false" download="false"/]

    E. WordPress Contact Form:

    [s3bubbleVideoSingle bucket="PLRVideosBC" track="contact-form.mp4" cloudfront="" autoplay="false" share="false" download="false"/]

    F.  Wordpress Plugins:

    [s3bubbleVideoSingle bucket="PLRVideosBC" track="plugins.mp4" cloudfront="" autoplay="false" share="false" download="false"/]

    G. WordPress Header and Footer:

    [s3bubbleVideoSingle bucket="PLRVideosBC" track="header.mp4" cloudfront="" autoplay="false" share="false" download="false"/]

    H. Writing Your First Post:

    [s3bubbleVideoSingle bucket="PLRVideosBC" track="first-post.mp4" cloudfront="" autoplay="false" share="false" download="false"/] I. Writing your First Page:

    [s3bubbleVideoSingle bucket="PLRVideosBC" track="first-page.mp4" cloudfront="" autoplay="false" share="false" download="false"/]

    J. The WordPress Default Theme:

    [s3bubbleVideoSingle bucket="PLRVideosBC" track="default-theme.mp4" cloudfront="" autoplay="false" share="false" download="false"/]

BZB101 2-24 Understanding and Managing CSS Files

Michael shared some incredible information on this Free Weekly Mastermind call.

BZB101 2-25 Getting Comfy with Cpanel
    A. Cpanel Basics

    [s3bubbleVideoSingle bucket="PLRVideosBC" track="cpanelbasics.mp4" cloudfront="" autoplay="false" share="false" download="false"/]

    B. Cpanel Fantastico

    [s3bubbleVideoSingle bucket="PLRVideosBC" track="cpanel-fantastico.mp4" cloudfront="" autoplay="false" share="false" download="false"/]

    C. Cpanel Email

    [s3bubbleVideoSingle bucket="PLRVideosBC" track="cpanel-email.mp4" cloudfront="" autoplay="false" share="false" download="false"/]

    D. Cpanel Email Forwarder

    [s3bubbleVideoSingle bucket="PLRVideosBC" track="cpanel-email-forwarder.mp4" cloudfront="" autoplay="false" share="false" download="false"/]

    E. Cpanel Autoresponse Email

    [s3bubbleVideoSingle bucket="PLRVideosBC" track="cpanel-autoresponse-email.mp4" cloudfront="" autoplay="false" share="false" download="false"/]

    F. Cpanel Webstats

    [s3bubbleVideoSingle bucket="PLRVideosBC" track="cpanel-webstats.mp4" cloudfront="" autoplay="false" share="false" download="false"/]

BZB101 2-26 Understanding FTP
    A. Installation:

    [s3bubbleVideoSingle bucket="PLRVideosBC" track="filezilla-ftp-installation-beginning-ftp.mp4" cloudfront="" autoplay="false" share="false" download="false"/]

    B Uploading First File:

    [s3bubbleVideoSingle bucket="PLRVideosBC" track="filezilla-ftp-uploading-first-file.mp4" cloudfront="" autoplay="false" share="false" download="false"/]

    C. File Name Folders:

    [s3bubbleVideoSingle bucket="PLRVideosBC" track="filezilla-ftp-file-names-folders.mp4" cloudfront="" autoplay="false" share="false" download="false"/]

    D. Uploading Website File Names:

    [s3bubbleVideoSingle bucket="PLRVideosBC" track="filezilla-ftp-upload-website-file-names.mp4" cloudfront="" autoplay="false" share="false" download="false"/]

    E. Creating Download Links & More

    [s3bubbleVideoSingle bucket="PLRVideosBC" track="filezilla-ftp-creating-download-links-more.mp4" cloudfront="" autoplay="false" share="false" download="false"/]

    F. Protect Files

    [s3bubbleVideoSingle bucket="PLRVideosBC" track="filezilla-ftp-protect-files-snooper-pages.mp4" cloudfront="" autoplay="false" share="false" download="false"/]

BZB101 2-27 Understanding .htaccess File

This is where you would put domain redirects if need be. So you may need to personalize it but here’s the base from which to start. Just copy below and paste it into your htaccess file.

# BEGIN WordPress

RewriteEngine On

RewriteBase /

RewriteRule ^index.php$ – [L]

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

# END WordPress

# Turn off index browsing so directories with no index files will not display the list of files

Options -Indexes

# Deny browser access to these files – these should always be denied to the public

# wp-config.php, wp-config-sample.php, bb-config.php, php.ini, php5.ini, readme.html, license.txt

Order allow,deny

Deny from all

# Turn off server signature information from hackers

ServerSignature Off

# Deny browser access to protected server files – .htaccess, .htpasswd and all file names starting with dot

RedirectMatch 403 /..*$

BZB101 2-27 Perfecting the Robots.txt File

Whether via ftp, editor or a plugin use this language for your Robots.txt file:

User-agent: duggmirror
Disallow: /

User-agent: Googlebot
Disallow: /*?*
Disallow: /*.cgi$
allow: /*.css$
allow: /*.js$
Disallow: /*.inc$
Disallow: /*.php$
Disallow: /*.php*
Disallow: /*.xhtml$
Disallow: /trackback*
Disallow: /z/

User-agent: *
Disallow: /c/
Disallow: /date/
Disallow: /f/
Disallow: /httpd/
Disallow: /i/
Disallow: /j/
Disallow: /stats/
Disallow: /t/
Disallow: /tag/
Disallow: /trackback
Disallow: /user/
Disallow: /user/register
Disallow: /wp-admin/
Disallow: /wp-content/backup-db/
Disallow: /wp-content/plugins/
Disallow: /wp-content/themes/
Disallow: /wp-includes/
Disallow: /wp-login.php
Disallow: /wp-login.php?action=register

Sitemap: http://YOURDOMAIN.COM/sitemap.xml

Sitemap: http://YOURDOMAIN.COM/sitemap.xml.gz

BZB101 2-3: Design to win

You can you create custom designs
 for your site by hiring a designer or learning on your own
  1. You can buy or choose from thousands of pre-designed ones at sites like, through WordPress or Googling them.
  2. One column or Two?
 The structure of your design depends on what you want to accomplish. Ads, products?
  3. Pattern Disconnects and Goals: Think about how you're going to monetize. Make sure the design supports your audience seeing these things.
[s3bubbleVideoSingle bucket="bccurriculum" track="PrimeBlogging2-3.mp4" aspect="16:9" autoplay="false" download="false"/]

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