Being a Solopreneur is amazing, but elevating your success absolutely requires . . .

 Having a "trust mentor" and a group with diverse skills, knowledge, connections and influence beyond your own. 

That's why the Orange Circle exists. 


joining a mastermind, 

doing a leadership retreat

or hiring consultants,

because you know, deep down inside, that

one brain is not enough

What you need are successful visionaries around you who will:

  • See and Believe in Your Mission
  • Show You Possibilities You are Too Close to See
  • Be a Coach When You Need a Coach
  • Connect You with People You Need to Know Show you How Your Six Month Plan Can be A Six Year Income, and How Your $100K Idea Can be Your $1M Future 
  • Stop You from Kicking your Ideas Down the Road and Inspire You to Take Action on Them
  • Help You Become the Entrepreneur You Have Always Wanted to Be

If that is true, and you want to grow beyond your skills, let's chat about you joining us:

The Culture of

the Orange Circle

We know YOU are the busiest and most productive entrepreneurs of all your peers, therefore, we make it easy yet powerful. 

We do one group "LIVE" call every month to solve big problems, break open major ideas, brainstorm, push each other and follow-up on progress. 

We do that call the last Tuesday of each month at 2pm Chicago time, which makes it noon in LA, 7pm in London and 8 am in Auckland.

We also do three "one on one" calls each month to keep you on track, keep you moving, answer questions. There is no faster movement than a call each week.

Got an emergency? You've got our cell phones, just text us and we'll get on a call.  

The max is a curated group of 8. That's big enough for heft and leverage, but small enough that no one is a stranger.

Members make a financial investment to be part of the Orange Circle

And we plan informal meetups throughout the year at Industry events like CES, NAB, Traffic & Conversion, SMMW, Digital Summit and Podcast Movement.

THE PROGRAm guides

in the circle 

Dan R Morris

Rachel Marie Martin

  • Dan architected a two prong strategy of radio/TV infomercials + niche website to sell $50K/month in nutraceuticals. 
  • Dan and Rachel did over 100 eight-hour digital marketing workshops around the world, only paying for a venue twice. 
  • For 9 years Dan has employed an affiliate marketing strategy to launch two six-figure annual product launches.  
  • Dan and Rachel grew their first podcast to the top 20 national ranking, and their second has been featured by Ripley's Believe It Or Not, The National Holocaust Museum, and Levi's among others. 
  • Rachel believes in the power of building audiences on Facebook without paying as she has grown to over 1,000,000+ fans.
  • When she had 120,000 Facebook fans Rachel's blog caught the interest of a Penguin RandomHouse, securing a national book deal and a spot on the Today Show.
  • Oreck, XShot,, Disney, Fox, Gatorade, Pearle Vision, Find Your Influence, Dove and many more partnered as sponsors with Rachel and Finding Joy.  
  • Rachel's quotes and writings regularly go viral, getting millions of likes and shares because of her acute attention to her audiences needs. 

And together we have self-published, vanity published and traditionally published three books, promoting them with full launch teams, over 100 podcast guest appearances, over 50 TV spots, the Today Show, Good Morning America and a billboard on Times Square.

Dan and Rachel know just about everybody in the industry. Dan's six-figure launches are always full of the John Lee Dumas's of the world. And Rachel's business has taken her to the stage of every major digital conference. If there is someone to know, Dan and Rachel know them.

words from believers

If you're looking for inspiration, energy and motivation, the Rachel Martin is for you. She provided deep life truths mixed with an engaging personality, solid "can do" attitude that creates real life change.

John lee dumas

UI/UX Designer

Seriously . . . you changed my life 2 years ago. LOL. I tripled my income and am making well over 6 figures now. Not to talk numbers - but seriously I never imagined I could have achieved this. It's crazy. I tell everyone in person I attribute my success to you. 


UI/UX Designer

Nearly everything Dan and Rachel suggested for my site has helped it grow. Thanks to them, I have broken out of a 3 year traffic slump and have doubled my income. 

Christina Hiatt Brown

UI/UX Designer

Rachel is incredibly smart, creative, insightful and highly energized. But what I admire most about Rachel is her genuine understanding of Return on Relationship and value it will bring to a person, brand and organization. 


UI/UX Designer

I've gotten farther in the last two weeks than I have the last one and half years I've been running my business. Thank you. 


UI/UX Designer

I only wish I would have had this 6 years ago when I started. I have wasted SO much money on education and research but nothing compares to what I'm learning here. You are changing my business, which is changing my life in so many ways. 


UI/UX Designer

Successful People Get More Successful by working together. 

  • Earn over $1M launching a new product with the support of dozens, maybe even hundreds of key industry players as your promotional partners. . .
  • Build a huge audience of people who will want to hang on your every post, article, or podcast episode . . . and sell products, earn big Sponsors, make network ad income. 
  • Lead a team of direct sales marketers that sell over $1M in products each year.
  • Grow a small niche website into a $200,000 AdSense income without having to sell anything. 
  • Land giant paid Keynote speeches at private industry events.
  • Build $100K in passive income from friendly referrals and introductions. 
  • Travel all over the world without spending a dime out of your pocket. . . 
  • Land a book deal with a traditional publisher and got a six-figure cash advance . . . next step . . .NY Times Best Seller!!

You Need Your Business 

To Fulfill Every Dream

You've Ever Told People it Would. 

If you know deep down that you need a "trust group" around you to grow your business
beyond your influence, 

beyond your knowledge, beyond your connections,

let's chat: