We're going to help you build
a successful online business
from scratch! 

Who Are We?

Rachel and I have made a full-time income from our online, digital business since 2013. 

We work from home, except on the days we travel or feel like working at a coffee shop.

And we're able to go to every school event of the kids, take regular vacations, never need an alarm and meet the most amazing people.

We've traveled the world, been on GMA and the Today Show, built over 1.4M fans, written best selling books, spoken to thousands, gotten awards, consulted with the biggest companies on the planet. . . 

And now we want to share with you everything we know about making a full-time income online.

Who is this for? 

If you've got a passion, a hobby, an expertise or a BIG IDEA, we're going to help you turn that into MONEY!

This course is geared at those people who've never tried making money online AND those who tried but the learning curve was too steep.

We're going to make it easy and fun for you to take your big idea (or the one we help you create) and turn it into a full-time income.

You don't need any special skills, just energy and drive!

What's Inside the Course?

Three Pillars of an Online Biz

It's important to start this knowing we only need three things to be making money.  That's it. Everything else helps the three things.  But you could do only the three and build a full-time income.

Choosing the Business Concept

We're going to show you how we can monetize any idea, then go through the other factors to make sure we're picking a winner.

Naming the Brand

There are some important rules to follow in naming your business. A couple things to make sure you do and a few things to avoid. And then we need to think about how we're positioning the brand.

Creating Your Home (ie website, YouTube page, etc. . )

We need a place to base all our operations. Even YouTubers. We'll show you how we helped a YouTuber make $60K/month in ebooks from his "homebase".

Serving the Customers Goals - Rachel's strategy

Perhaps the most important part. If we don't understand our customers goals, they'll do business with the person who does.  Let's deep dive into how we learn them.  

The Important Pre-Start Setup Items

Why is this in Module 6? Well, the first five are critically important. Then we need to do these things before we get too far.

The Need for Email Marketing

Our kids never use email.  But for the next 15 years or so, you'll make more from your email list than just about anything. We've got to master that - and use the lessons to master what's next.

Traffic Traffic Traffic!!!

The absolute most important part of the course. It's great to have a product and an idea, but we need a mass of people to share it with. Here is the complete process to driving traffic. The basic traffic formula is the same for podcasts, blogs, Subway restaurants . . . we just apply it differently.

Building the Landing Page

No matter what we sell or giveaway, we need to know how to make landing pages. They're what we'll use to grow the email list, to sell products, to give away ebooks. 

Generating Revenue

There are so many ways to make money. And they're all fun. Let's go over them and how to do them so they don't seem so daunting. 

Collecting the Money

There has to be a way to get the money from them to your bank account. We'll talk about Paypal, shopping carts, affiliate programs and more. 

Building Year Round Income

One of the most under-discussed topics is how we turn our business into a full year income.  Sure we can do it once and make it last all year, but we have better ways to make sure cash is coming in regularly. 

Managing the Community

When someone joins your list, follows you on social media, buys your product, etc. . . they become part of your community. Let's learn how to make that community work for us.

Marketing Marketing Marketing

Everything we do is marketing. Social media, email, flyers, press releases, Zoom, events . . . it's all marketing. It's how we do the marketing that makes the difference. 

Content is King

Like money, content is fun. Not only do we get to share our knowledge and passion but we get to excite others. We're going to discuss how we're going to plan content and what we're going to put into the world. 

The Timing of Activities

Know the difference between synchronous and asynchronous content?  You need to understand how the medium works in order to determine how often we'll be posting content.  

Working with Media and Brands

There is nothing better than having a brand like Walgreens or Maybeline joint venture with you. We have friends that regularly stay at resorts for free and others who get on Good Morning America and Rachel Ray regularly.  There's a method to working with brands and media.  

Selling Your Online Venture

You may not even be thinking about selling your biz, but it would be good for you to know some of the things that will make a big difference later if you take them into consideration now.