Must you have new skill sets?
Must you be a better marketer?
What do you need to learn?
What books do you need to read?

(And the ability to focus)
Truly, the only thing that stands between you and your dreams is know-how.
If we know how to make money. . . and outsource, we overcome most of our problems.
Those that can do things quickly reap opportunities the rest just dream about.
Imagine being able to create a product, have the sales page up, a way to take money, deliver the product and have readers, fans, cheerleaders and affiliates selling for you. . . in 2 hours. . .
It is not only possible, it is done everyday.

Growing Traffic?
Creating Products?
Formulating Systems?
Developing Community?
Growing your Platform?
If you're like me, I'd say all of them because . . .

There is nothing cooler.
Whether it takes years or days, we become experts with video, animation, blogging, podcasting, speaking, writing, publishing, copywriting, marketing, research, email, PR, taxes ,organization, RSS ,interviews ,ad networks, PLR, networking, affiliates, communication, selling, events, outsourcing, Facebook, YouTube, products, sponsorship, brands, branding and list building.

The business you're hoping to build in 2015 is in here.
That’s what this stack of knowledge is for.
To deliver an ROI your “shareholders” will be proud of.
Our families depend on us to deliver a return on their investment and sacrifice.

BC STACK is only available for 5 days each year. And in July. If you think there's a chance you'll be on vacation, at a reunion, at a wedding, on a skiff, stuck in traffic or bogged down at work, you can pre-buy the Stack right now. For $47 you won't be emailing me the day after it closes next year.
You don't have to miss it.
BC STACK is only available for 5 days each year. And in July. If you think there's a chance you'll be on vacation, at a reunion, at a wedding, on a skiff, stuck in traffic or bogged down at work, you can pre-buy the Stack right now. For $47 you won't be emailing me the day after it closes next year.
John Lee Dumas
Learn how to Podcast
How about learning from the #1 Podcaster on the planet and the voice behind Entrepreneur on Fire? Does 5,000,000 downloads help?

Missy Ward
How to be an Affiliate Marketer
Who’d be best to teach affiliate marketing? The owner of the largest Affiliate Marketing Conference in the world? We think so.
Lynn Terry
Niche Success Blueprint
With 18 years making a full-time income from it, we thought Lynn Terry would be the best to teach niche social marketing.

Joel Comm
The Adsense Code
Author of the New York Times Best seller “The Adsense Code”, many successful apps, we thought his Adsense Secrets book would be the best to learn from.

Ted Promodrou
How to Optimize LinkedIn
Entrepreneur Magazine asked Ted Prodromou to write the Ultimate Guide to LinkedIn. That was good enough for us.

Adrienne Graham
You Can't Pick My Brain for Free
Don’t Give It All Away! 6 Steps to Turn Free Consults into Paying Clients. . .No joke, Adrienne is the real deal when it comes to this. This audio will blow you away.
Kevin Riley
Clockwork Recipes: How to create products
Kevin has made a living creating products that are so useful, easy to follow and affordable, he’s built a company on repeat buyers. Let him help you see how to do it correctly.

Lee Collins
Hybrid Marketing Program
Here’s a guy whose so smart and eloquent, Frank Kern had 300+ copies of Lee’s Hybrid Marketing Course sent to his customers. The King boweth.

Ellen Britt
Art of the Interview
Ellen Britt is a master of the interview and wants to share her success skills with you.
Holly Homer
Facebook Marketing Techniques
Facebook guru Holly Homer grew her Facebook Page from 50k fans to One Million in one year. . .and she explains it all in this video.

If you are using the internet to fuel your business, these are tools for you. Bloggers, social media managers, vloggers, podcasters, coaches, speakers, authors, musicians, website owners, network marketers. . . This is a collection of tools to help you grow your business and make more money.

David Dutton
Get Connected: Self Branding
Whether it’s the Mayor of Nashville or contestants on The Apprentice, David Dutton knows what it means to turn a meeting into a relationship
Adela Rubio
3 Steps to Building Blog Buzz with Graphic Quotes
Adela Rubio has hosted 19 Virtual Events and knows how to build blogging buzz and big time fans. Graphic quotes are her secret weapon to drive all the traffic and subscribers you need to your blog or event.

Leslie Samuel
Traffic Building 101
Unbelievable friend. YouTube Superstar. Charisma that makes you smile. Owner of BecomeABlogger.com. . . there’s no better to learn from.

Phil Hollows
List Building for Bloggers
How about learning Email Marketing from none other than the creator of FeedBlitz himself? Think you’d learn something watching thousands of marketers build lists?

Connie Ragan Green
Affiliate Contest Secrets
Connie has perfected the art of community building, learning how to make her audience better, learning how to turn her fans into cheerleaders and buyers. Multi-affiliate contest wins.

Ricky Shetty
Making, Marketing and Monetizing Your Blog
Ricky runs the successful YVR Bloggers group in Vancouver, Canada mentoring bloggers to success. And her runs the famous DaddyBlogger.com

Kathleen Gage
How to Sell Thousands from your Platform

Mitch Canter
Understanding Woo Commerce
Mitch Canter is an international speaker, technology enthuiast, and software developer from Franklin, TN. His mission is to take the foundations of the digital landscape (code, design, technology, marketing, and social media) and break them down into their binary pieces

Janet Thaler
13 Christmas Social Media Ideas that Rock
Janet uses case studies and data to help you market your small business during the holiday season.

Tiffany Romero
Building a Business While Growing a Family
Great tips from the leader of the SITS Girls. Who better than a Mom/Business Leader to author this

Lou Bortone
How to use Google Hangouts for Webcasting
20 Years doing video for Fox and NBC and then the last 10 doing online video marketing? Yep, Lou is who you need.

Kelly McCausey
List Building Roundtable
I wish you could all know Kelly. There isn’t a bigger champion of people. She’s quietly amassed an empire through conscious list building techniques that make her audience smile.

Ashley Coombe
Compliance Issues for Social Media
Ashley educates small businesses and bloggers on how to grow their audience using social media, and how to monetize their blogs.
Kristen Brown
Brand Ignition Course
Two-time bestselling author, including Happy Hour Effect, and seen in the media over 200 times. Kristen is your secret branding weapon.

Angela England
Make and Sell a Fabulous Ebook
The original Renaissance Woman herself, Angela will help you figure out how to make an ebook that sells, fast.
Alice Seba
Profiting from PLR
How about discovering the secrets of content marketing from the queen of private label rights content marketing herself? If you don’t know anything about PLR. . .start here.

I am amazed at the incredible depth of the speakers you have put together for such an incredible price!! I just got mine and am looking forward to going through the wealth of wisdom!!!
I thank you Dan R Morris and Rachel Martin for all of the long hours and work you put into the BC Stack. I am having a great time looking over the products. There are such amazing people that contributed to this product.
Let's just say I am still unpacking all the amazingness the Stack comes with! You can use it in MANY aspects of business. . .seriously!

Nicole Dean
Simplifying Blogging with Systems and Awesome
Nicole Dean is a systems genius. Whether it’s outsourcing, or backing up data, or building a business that feeds many families. . . she’s the Guru.
Claudia Krusch
Small Business Survival Guide
She has been a blogger since 2007, a member of 27 blogging organizations; worked with 87 brands in 2013 alone, formulating multiple streams of income all through building a solid blogging business.

Lisa Woodruff
How to Get on TV
It seems Lisa can get on TV at will, we asked her to spill her secrets. As a professional organizer blogger and network marketer she speaks our online language.
Doug Foresta
How to Create a Podcast THIS WEEK That Expands Your Reach, Boosts Your Book or Blog and Creates Change
Stand up and be heard! That’s the cry of Doug Foresta the vocal podcaster. Learn his secrets for immediate podcast success

Kurt Scholle
Website Success Course: Google Analytics
Kurt helps large companies, hoteliers and online marketers create websites that generate revenue. In so doing, he’s become an expert with Google Analytics.
Janis Petit
Webinar Sales Success Secrets
Janis is too big for two sentences. She’s successfully started, grown and sold three businesses. She’s been coaching since 2001 and knows how to help people create a strategy to grow a lucrative lifestyle business. This is hers.

Kristen Eckstein
Engaging Your Fan Base
How about learning book publishing from someone who’s published over 160 books and started 50 publishing companies.

Sushant Misra
Getting Your First 1,000 Email Subscribers
Sushant is an interviewing rock star. I think he’s interviewed and learned from about every cool marketer out there. All the while using the interviews to build his list.

Suzanne Myers & Tracy Roberts
Book your Blog: Plan, write, produce & market a book from your blog.
Tracy is the mastermind behind the successful PiggyMakesBank community helping entrepreneurs perfect their purpose and system online. She’s noted for finding ways to make money in your business – you’re currently overlooking.
Csaba Lendvay
Getting to know Google +
Part of their Social Media Immersion program, Csaba teaches you how to use tools like Google+, Gmail, Google Drive and Google Apps

Denise Griffits
Going Virtual: Finding a VA
Denise runs a very successful radio show, runs VirtualAssistantIndustry.com is all about helping her clients become successful.
BC STACK is only available for 5 days each year. And in July. If you think there's a chance you'll be on vacation, at a reunion, at a wedding, on a skiff, stuck in traffic or bogged down at work, you can pre-buy the 2019 Stack right now. For $47 you won't be emailing me the day after it closes next year.
BC Stack is one of the best products I've ever bought. True you have to do a little work sorting but I found the value to be outstanding.
Pat Snow Business Coaching
I love the Stack and thank you, Dan and Rachel, for working so hard to make it easy to dissect and get what we most need out of it. Great Job!

Sarah Arrow
Content Marketing from Scratch
One of Sarah’s sites is syndicated via an international newspaper, another listed by Forbes as a top website for women, not once, but three times.
Sharyn Sheldon
100 Survival Tips for Biz Owners
Sharyn has developed training programs for giant companies for 20 years and customizable, rebrandable content for 10.

Sue Painter
Writing Copy for SEO and Readers
Sue runs ConfidentMarketer.com, is an author and entrepreneur. One of her businesses had her booked for 12 months straight after being open only 18 months.
Joanne Delbalso
The 15 Most Important Tax Deductions for eBusiness
27 years doing taxes for small businesses and bloggers, Joanne knows our industry inside and out

Lucrecer Braxton
Image Marketing Secrets
Lucrecer understands photography and the power of visual story telling like none other. She wanted to share with us her book . I’m quite looking forward to learning something totally new to me.
Natalie Marie Collins
Website Backgrounds and Doodles
Natalie also wants to lighten our day and the lives of our audience with her . There is something to be said about our blog posts and websites looking different every once in a while. I’m grateful she’s sharing this spectacular bundle with us.

Simon Salt
How to Take Better Photographs of Children
Simon is the guy behind IncSlingers. . .but he’s also a professional photographer. Since we now live in a video and picture driven world, he thought he’d give you his program.
Rey Brown
iPHone 6 MasterClass
Rey is a Verizon superstar turned iPhone podcaster, Rey believes you’re not using your phone to its fullest capacity. Listening to him talk about it makes me wonder why am I not using my phone better.

Katie Hornor
Best Pics Monthly Blog
Katie is an American “missionary” / blogger in Mexico using her online skills to make us all better. She’s got a site where you have access to pics you can use on online. She’s throwing in a 6 Month Subscription for BC Stack buyers.

Tiffany Noth
Get Started Blogging
Tiffany runs BloggyCon, a blogging conference in Ohio that attracts big brands and bloggers from all over the country. She’s got a great series of books on blogging she wanted to share with you. If you’re new, this is where you start.
XShot & Databolor
Photo Tips Class: Vantage Point
The idea of vantage point in photography isn’t discussed much, but very interesting. Since XShot sells products that give you a better vantage point, this is perfect.

Faydra Koenig
6 Questions to Free You
Faydra helps people get through tough times and has learned what really holds people back. Let her open up your world.
Lisa Kelly Woodruff
How to Hire Help
Lisa Woodruff is a professional organizer & productivity specialist. She has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs and direct marketers how to grow through outsourcing. How to Hire help is a 30 minute video presentation that will guide you through listing all of the responsibilities you have in all the various roles you hold in your life. The video will then use the accompanying printables to help you strategically outsource routine tasks from both your home and personal life to free you up to do what only you can do.

Rebecca Caroe
Sales Through Email Marketing
Cold Calling is not easy, but waiting for personal introductions to every prospect is slow. Learn techniques to introduce your business via email
Angela Wills
Website in a Weekend
Buying Domain names, Getting WordPress up. . . an entire blog in a weekend

Daniel Hall
Real Fast Email Marketing
Real Fast Email Marketing. In addition to the content, pay attention to everything Daniel does. From the landing page to the way he teaches. Brilliance.
LeeAnn Webster
Telesummit Secrets
Grow your klout, community engagement and wallet with Telesummits. LeeAnn has been involved with 20+ telesummits and has packaged her knowledge here.

Jo Barnes
Building Sales Funnels
Building a Sales Funnel. Jo is the expert at driving traffic with Facebook Ads to grow her wallet and business. Her complete strategy is here.

Costas Peppas
How to Reach Out to Business Owners
Want to work with business owners? How to get their attention in a relaxed way that impresses them.
Danielle Smith
How to Keep Your Confidence when on Radio and TV
Danielle Smith has been on TV, the Red Carpet, media spokesperson. . . you name it. Her tips in this regard are invaluable.

Joanne Eckton
Building Strong Teams
6 Steps to Improve Team Performance, Retain Top Talent and Virtually Eliminate Morale Problems

Tony Laidig
How to Make a Video Book Trailer
Easily Create a Video Trailer for Your Book. This is becoming more and more important in your book marketing schedule. This is a must do training.
OVER $4,800 in Products for $47
BC STACK is only available for 5 days each year. And in July. If you think there's a chance you'll be on vacation, at a reunion, at a wedding, on a skiff, stuck in traffic or bogged down at work, you can pre-buy the 2019 Stack right now. For $47 you won't be emailing me the day after it closes next year.
About Audience Industries

We are the largest global training and development company for bloggers, vloggers, podcasters, online business owners and internet marketers. We travel the world doing one-day workshops teaching advanced business skills. Over 150 events to date.
We also run Amplify Podcast, recently ranked in the top 30 podcasts by Inc Magazine, and Tracing The Path Podcast
Need Help? Email us DanAndRachelM@gmail.com ******** Want to be an affiliate? DanAndRachelM@gmail.com