I can not tell you how many people email us the day and week after BC Stack closes with stories of going on vacation, not getting email, computer broken, power outtage, work project and every other excuse for not being able to grab it when it is live. For only 5 days per year. Don't miss it. Buy it now.
WELCOME TO BC STACK 2016 (Archive)
Every year we bring together 65 of the best social media, blogging, podcasting, vlogging and tech leaders. We bring you their most interesting products into one $47 Stack.
This is NOT a simple ebook bundle. We're talking about full courses, books, conference tickets, software, services and more. . . thousands of dollars of value.
Below you'll find the list of contributors, what makes them awesome and about their awesome product. I think you'll know a few of them.
Our job is to bring you the most AMAZING stack of products you can buy. Your job is to find the one that will change your business forever. And enjoy the rest.
So, without further ado. . . here is the 2016 BC STACK!
Jason Falls
Hacking The Conversation: How Consumer Insights Through Social Data Can Explode Your Business
Most marketing campaigns are developed around guesswork. The brand or agency in question makes broad assumptions about audiences and their behaviors because qualitative market research is often cost prohibitive. But thanks to social technologies, every marketer now has access to cost effective consumer research - that of online conversations - that can uncover the important insights that drive your customers to engage and even purchase.
In this video exploration of social listening and monitoring techniques, Jason Falls will explain the difference in monitoring versus listening, show examples of insights gained by analyzing online conversations and illustrate how you, too, can take the guesswork out of digital and even broad scale marketing campaigns.

Holly Homer
How to Shoot Multi Camera Facebook Live Videos
Holly Homer is a professional blogger who runs Kids Activities Blog and the Quirky Momma FB page. She broadcasts live on FB daily. Holly was recently named by Mashable as one of the Top 10 FB Live Stars to Follow.
You will benefit from our mistakes in setting up a multi-camera studio for FB Live video - must-haves, recommended items and how we put it all together. In a downloadable .pdf get all our resources, ideas and hacks.
Social Imageries
One Month of Social Media Graphic Design
Jam Mayer runs the New Zealand Blogger Network and also Social Imageries, a social media image design company. For BC Stack, Jam is offering buyers one month of image designs. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube . . .your blog. Have you always wanted to have a consistent theme among all your social media properties?
The time has come.
BC Stack is worth the money with this one bonus alone.

Mary Jaksch
Blog Writer's Bootcamp
Learn the writing style that can help you take center stage and finally build the massive audience you deserve. You’ll be amazed how adopting my new style of writing will make people instantly stand up and take notice of your work.
This writing style used by all the most successful top bloggers is more powerful than you could ever imagine. You’ll attract readers like never before, your audience numbers will soar, and you’ll be noticed by influential people who will want to help you.
Jo Barnes
30 Day List Building Funnel
The 30-Day List Building Challenge is a 30 day video training program. This is WAY more than the average list building program or tutorial you may be familiar with.
The 30-Day List Building Challenge is THE program for anyone who wants to get up and running fast with one of the most valuable assets you'll ever own in your business: a thriving email list.

Carol Tice
Small Blog, Big Income
Learn how to make money from a blog without ads or hype – from a blogger who began earns over $500K/year online from her niche blog . . . when she had less than 2,000 subscribers!
A book you don't want to miss.

John D Colley
Online Course Creation Master Class
John Colley is an Online Instructor, Marketer, Speaker, Podcaster and Blogger! As a Former British Army Officer and International Investment Banker he has over 30 years experience as an Advisor, Coach and Teacher!
He has become an expert at online course creation and has put together a MasterClass in online course creation for you.
Dan R Morris & Rachel Martin
2 Blogging Concentrated Books
Blogging Concentrated is the largest, global training and development company for bloggers. BC Prime is the membership portion of BC to which ebooks are created for the membership regularly. Inside we offer two of these amazing books.
Book 1 is how to organize and reorganize the categories and tags on your site for SEO and user experience purposes. Book 2 is 20 things Everyone Should Change on their Blog right now. See you inside.

Gini Dietrich
Best Selling Book "Spin Sucks" (yeah, you get the book!!)
Gini Dietrich is founder and CEO of Arment Dietrich, an integrated marketing communications firm. She is the author of Spin Sucks, co-author of Marketing in the Round, and co-host of Inside PR. She is also the lead blogger at Spin Sucks and founder of Spin Sucks Pro.
Gini has graciously given you the digital format of her book Spin Sucks.
Natalie Cutler-Welsh
Networking tips to take your Business to the Next Level
Go to Girl Natalie Cutler-Welsh shares her gold with networking tips to take your business to the next level. Whether ‘next level’ means higher income, more freedom, cooler clients or residual revenue stream to you, these tips via training video & worksheet will help you to connect with the right people and help you to up-level your life and business.
In a video presentation and associated worksheets, these are some of the tips, tools and techniques that she used to grow her business to the point where her husband could resign from his job to spend more time with their 3 kids! Natalie is an Author, Podcaster, Speaker, Social Media & Networking Coach and ‘Impact Entrepreneur’. She’s a Canadian living in New Zealand and was one of three ‘Networking Ambassadors’ at Social Media Marketing World Conference 2016.

If you are using the internet to fuel your business, these are tools for you. Bloggers, social media managers, vloggers, podcasters, coaches, speakers, authors, musicians, website owners, network marketers. . . This is a collection of tools to help you grow your business and make more money.

Tom Corson-Knowles
Write Nonfiction Like A Pro
In this video training course, 20-time bestselling author Tom Corson-Knowles walks you through the step-by-step process for researching, writing, and editing a nonfiction book. You can use these same breakthrough methods and proven principles for writing success to effortlessly create world-class articles, blog posts, marketing copy, and even fiction.
Mark Hayes
The Growth Hacker’s Guide to the Galaxy - the book
. . .is the ultimate compendium of growth hacks for the modern digital marketer. With over 100 cutting edge growth hacks you can implement immediately (no engineering degree required), The Growth Hacker's Guide to the Galaxy will give you access to unprecedented growth for your company.

Isabelle Mercier-Turcotte
Branding from the Inside Out
As a best-selling author, TV show host, and TEDx Speaker, Isabelle will help you gain the knowledge to transform yourself into a more focused, organized, differentiated and highly paid entrepreneur.
In this Branding from the Inside Out course, Isabelle brings her best strategies for helping you figure out what really does make you different.
Alea Milham
Social Media Strategies eCourse
Alea Milham is the author of Prep-Ahead Meals from Scratch and the founder of Premeditated Leftovers. She now runs the Strategic Blogging Academy where she coaches bloggers and helps them develop strategies to increase their traffic and identify ways to monetize their entire platform.
The Social Media Strategies eCourse is intended for people who are looking for effective ways to use their social media platform to increase engagement and income while growing their following. Each weekly module focuses on a major social media platform and contains 5 - 6 lessons focusing on ways to increase engagement and click-through-rate.

Rivka Kawano
42 Things to Do Before You Publish
The biggest mistake that new authors make is waiting until their book is on sale before starting to promote it. If you want to have a successful book launch, then you need to start promoting and building your audience from the first day you write a word. How do you do that? Here are 42 simple strategies that you can implement while you are writing your book to ensure that it launches with a bang instead of a fizzle.

Ricky Shetty
Blog Mastery - Video Training Course
Ricky Shetty is the owner and operator of the popular family-friendly DaddyBlogger.com website, the founder of a community of over 1,000 bloggers called YVR Bloggers, and the executive director of the Social Media Mastery Conference, Blog Mastery Conference, and Internet Marketing Mastery Conference - 3 of the biggest digital marketing conferences in Canada.
Learn how to make, market, and monetize your blog with Ricky Shetty, owner and operator of the popular family-friendly DaddyBlogger.com website! In this content-rich, highly practical video training series you will learn:* How to Build a Brand around your Blog* 10 Ways to Market Your Blog and get more Readers* 3 Strategies for Monetizing Your Blog

Janis Petit
Coaching Income Secrets Starter Kit
Building a successful coaching business has changed dramatically. Discover the NEW COACHING SUCCESS MODEL if you want to serve many with your talents.
Download my entire Coaching Success Course and Marketing Maps, plus more.

Scott Paton
Podcasting Made Easy
Scott Paton has been podcasting since the spring of 2005. His podcast "Weight Loss and The Mind" hitover 375,000 subscribers in its first year and over one million downloads
Let Scott's course get you podcasting in no time.
There is not an expensive upsell when you press buy.
When you press "buy" you go straight to the checkout page. Then you'll get the link to the products page in your email. Very simple.
Thousands of buyers last year and multitudes this week already have purchased and are enjoying BC Stack.
Jennifer Smith
Developing an Image Standard
Jenn helps bloggers level up their blogs & businesses in a sensible way. She practices and teaches a balanced, strategic & inspired method of blogging that doesn't require hustling 24/7 to be successful. We work to have a life, not the other way around!
Developing a distinct image standard is one if the fastest and easiest ways to take your blog or business to the next level. In this multimedia course, you'll discover what it is, why you need one, and, most importantly, how to easily create one that will make your blog or business stand out.

Connie Ragen Green
Really Simple Content Marketing
Connie Ragen Green has turned content creation and marketing into an art,and has helped thousands of people get their message out to the world in a profitable way using the exact strategies you'll learn from her here.
How to become a content creation machine for visibility, credibility, and profitability in as little as an hour a day is a great course for marketers.

Johann Noguiera
Four Strategies to add $7,000 - $10,000 in PROFIT to your business, without spending an extra cent
Johann, a business growth strategist, was one of the original pioneers of eBay stores. Specifically managing completely automated stores. He has since applied that to all of his ventures.
In this report you will learn 4 simple yet overlooked strategies that any business owner can implement into his business right now, with no money down. Using simple systems like these, allows your business to grow, profit and become less time consuming, allowing you to focus on what you do best. We look forward to helping you increase profits, systemize your business and live life on your terms.

Angus Nelson
Networking with Effectiveness and Credibility
Angus works with executives of the world’s largest companies as a speaker, coach, and facilitator. He’s spoken at corporate headquarters for Walmart, Whole Foods, Coke, BMW and others; hosts an Inc.com Top 20 business podcast called, “Up In Your Business”; and has been featured on Aol.com, Huffington Post, & VentureBeat. His book is called “Love's Compass: How Do You Recover After a Lost Relationship”.
If you've struggled with connecting with meeting new people, struggle attending events, or feel awkward at networking opportunities, this ebook is for you. Especially if you're one of the 65% of Americans that classify themselves as an introvert. Discover the basics of human connections and offering value to others in this ebook.

Marc Guberti
Write Kindle Books Ridiculously Fast: 1 Book Every Month!
Marc Guberti is an 18 year old entrepreneur, digital marketing expert, and author. He is a HootSuite Ambassador and was selected as an ambassador for Daymond John’s latest book.
Marc is giving us access to his highly rated, premium course on UDEMY.
Nicole Christen
Social Media Marketing Essentials: 5 Simple Ways to Fast Track Your Social Media Success
With a decade’s worth of experience in social media marketing, Nicole know what works (and what doesn’t). Her mission is to help you work less and sell more (without being spammy). While it may seem like a long-shot right now, getting from where you are to where you want to be, Nicole is invested in helping you reach your goals through her powerful online training programs.

Joel Comm & 44 Authors
So What Do You Do? - the book
Who knew the neighbors were geniuses? This book is the introvert's practical guide to discovering the greatness that exists around you. I've realized how connected we all truly are, despite our divergent paths and passions. In each story there is an inspiring tale of how challenges and disappoints can be overcome with grace and perseverance to reveal the hero, the champion, the genius within.
Joe Pardo
Simple Platform Building 101
In early-2014 Super Joe Pardo left his family’s $100 million business in order to pursue his goal of helping others achieve their dreams. Following in his family's footsteps he became a fourth generation entrepreneur. Founding the Dreamer's Podcast in order to help others pursue their dreams has been an amazing experience. Since then he has started a podcasting conference, wrote two self-development books, designed plenty of websites for clients, coached tons of entrepreneurs, speaks often on the topic of dreaming, built online courses, and has produced over 300 podcast episodes.
Super Joe Pardo shows you how to get started building your platform through finding your message, refining your message, understanding the ups and down of platform building and the basics to understand before you dive into blogging, podcasting and video creation.

I am amazed at the incredible depth of the speakers you have put together for such an incredible price!! I just got mine and am looking forward to going through the wealth of wisdom!!!
I thank you Dan R Morris and Rachel Martin for all of the long hours and work you put into the BC Stack. I am having a great time looking over the products. There are such amazing people that contributed to this product.
Let's just say I am still unpacking all the amazingness the Stack comes with! You can use it in MANY aspects of business. . .seriously!

Robin Cockrell & Lesley Stevens
Affiliate Marketing Masterclass
Robin and Lesley are Pro Bloggers who have sold millions of dollars in affiliate marketing products solely through blogging. They can help you do the same.
With this MasterClass you will learn how to Monetize and Maximize your affiliate earnings on your blog leveraging Amazon Associates program in a natural, appealing way.
Lynette Chandler
All Access WordPress Plugin Membership (Personal Use)
One membership, many plugins. That's what you will find in the All-Access Plugin Membership. Create an account and get immediate access to 9 plugins to use on your own WordPress blogs. You'll find plugins for landing pages, popups, and more. And, when we add a plugin while your membership is active, you get it too!

Rob Cubbon
Running a Web Design Business
Rob is an Amazon bestselling author, online teacher, graphic designer and ex-slacker who wants freedom for you and success for your business. Since 1992 he has been working as a designer for print and web in advertising agencies, marketing consultants and publishers.
In this ebook Rob brings his business acumen to help you uncover the secrets of running a web design business.
Alice Seba and Ron Douglas
DFYTemplates - Done for Your Marketing Templates
Alice is a noted content marketing expert who has sold millions of dollars in content and Ron is a New York Times Best Selling Author who has sold over 1.5 million books and ebooks. Together, they’ve used their experience to create simple templates you can use to accelerate your marketing. Use these templates for your own marketing, with your clients or you can even include them in your own products for sale.

Malene Jorgensen
How to Self-Publish Your Book: The Ultimate Guide to ISBNs, Print and Worldwide Sales
Malene creates online companies that give back. she's helped build schools in South Africa, provided post-secondary education to women in need, and provided support for refugees and the homeless.
"In this BC Stacked Edition of "How to Self-Publish Your Book: The Ultimate Guide to ISBNs, Print and Worldwide Sales", you are going to learn everything you need to get your book in print and listed with major resellers, such as Barnes & Noble, Apple, Kindle, Kobo and, of course, Amazon.
Melissa Shanhun
SELL30: 30-day Challenge to Skyrocket Your Sales
Melissa is a busy mum of four. With work time limited, she is forced to laser-focus on sales. She has helped business owners of different industries and different business models become more focused on revenue.
Join serious business owners to work through daily challenges to launch new selling habits and boost your bottom lines. You'll receive challenges via email and encouragement, ideas, and motivation through the SELL30 Facebook group.

Lena Gott
17 Strategies I Used to Go from 17K to 350K Page Views in 9 Months
Lena is a CPA turned stay-at-home-mom who built up a blog to nearly 6 figures in a few years working only evenings after the kids were in bed and even taking off months at a time! :) She’s proof that consistent hard work pays off over time. An eternal optimist, she believes we succeed when we share our successes with one another and that having a good dose of a “What’s the worst that could happen?” attitude is the key to success.
The ebook is 82 pages of detailed analysis and examples for growing your blog, including tips on using lesser known platforms like StumbleUpon and Google+ for traffic, a list of things you can STOP doing right now to maximize the time you spend working, and also includes some worksheets to help you get on track.

Trish Lindemood
Pick 2 Food Blogger Guides from KitchenBloggers.com
Trish Lindemood is an IAB-certified digital media consultant with nearly 25 years of sales and marketing experience. Since 2008, she has helped hundreds of business owners succeed online using a combination of WordPress websites, Content Marketing strategies and paid advertising campaigns.
Today, her personal mission is to help food and lifestyle bloggers achieve their entrepreneurial dreams by sharing plenty of free business-building tips, along with more in-depth marketing resources and study guides. Her site, Kitchen Bloggers, also features high-quality, private label food and gardening content, including comprehensive product reviews, kitchen-tested recipes, food photographs, cooking articles, and materials to teach your readers how to grow their own fruits, vegetables and culinary herbs.

Melody Owen
Book your Blog: Plan, write, produce & market a book from your blog.
Melody Owen leverages years of experience in teaching, writing, marketing and publishing to assist bloggers, entrepreneurs and other professionals to plan, write, produce and market books. She works with each client to ensure that their book fits into their business model for increased success.
Book your Blog is the complete how-to guide for bloggers ready to take the leap to published author. Book your Blog leads you through every step from planning and writing to producing your book and ultimately marketing you book.
Shellie Hipsky
Inspiring Lives Magazine Grand Premiere
With opulent photography gracing the pages, each issue of Inspiring Lives Magazine offers captivating stories and empowering ideas imprinted with Dr. Shellie Hipsky’s vision on business & finance; music & movies; art & books; health and fitness; relationships and self-discovery; beauty and fashion; and food & travel news. With an emphasis on entrepreneurship and personal growth, the magazine inspires, encourages, and instructs; addressing every facet of a woman's life, the spiritual, the intellectual and the emotional.
Every issue includes practical articles for entrepreneurs from start up to pros including: information on gaining sales, creating websites that wow, and social media support. The magazine encourages intelligent women to reach for their dreams confidently, and make smart choices that will lead them to a life filled with joy, discovery, and fulfillment.

Sarah Titus
Make Money Blogging: How to Find Ideas That Are Right For You
With incredible passion, Sarah fell into the world of blogging and dominated it very quickly. Within her first year blogging, she began making $10,000/month. By her second year blogging, she was making $23,000/month. She now teaches others to do the same through her best selling ebooks (one of which she's giving you here).
Tawyna Sutherland
The Proactive VA Business Training Series
Tawyna runs the #1 VA Business Training & Certification Company in the world boasting a community of thousands on LInkedIn and through Social Media. S
This series of 3 interactive one hour long video workshops presented by Tawnya Sutherland, the market leader in the virtual assistant industry, will help you take your service based business to that next level of success.

BC Stack is one of the best products I've ever bought. True you have to do a little work sorting but I found the value to be outstanding.
Pat Snow Business Coaching
I love the Stack and thank you, Dan and Rachel, for working so hard to make it easy to dissect and get what we most need out of it. Great Job!

Sara Broers
How to Start A Social Media Breakfast - ebook
Learn how to start your own social media breakfast club. Sara Broers is the founder of the social media club that meets in North Iowa. It’s been meeting monthly for three years. Sara offers tips on how you can be the leader in your community, by starting a social media breakfast club in your area. The size of your community does not matter, work with local businesses and make it happen.
Rachel Miller
101 Viral Titles
In under a year, Rachel Miller built the OneCrazyHouse website from the ground up to be a six-figure earning blog, gaining multi-million pageviews every month, all with the help of virals!
In this e-book, she shares with you her secret formula, the exact wording she has used to craft headlines that grab attention. You can use these today to launch your posts and your blog, to greater success.

Daniel Hall
7 simple, easy-to-do tactics you can do with powerpoint to grow your list.
Daniel Hall is a master product seller. He not only produces unbelievably good webinars, but continually brings topics to his audience that no one else is talking about. He is truly on the forefront of what's going on.
Yes, it is possible to build your list with PowerPoint and in this training Daniel Hall reveals the nitty-gritty of how its done using 7 very specific and simple strategies (you WILL love this).
Michelle Schoen
PowerPoint for Video
After receiving an MS in Instructional Design Michelle has developed E-learning and Webinars forFortune 500 companies such as IBM, AT&T and Kimberly Clark.
Training Designers, Internet Product Developers, and even Educators are spending time learning to create content for great tutorials and awesome marketing copy for their videos, but focus very little on the second half of the development process: Good Design!

Chad Fullerton
The Bootstrap Freelancing: Discover How to Build A Business Monetizing Your Skills
Kim Chad is an award-winning design and marketing expert with over 15 years of experience in the industry. He has worked with hundreds of clients worldwide from small business to fortune 500 brands through his own digital marketing firm. He co-founded Freelancers Association and provides products and training to help aspiring freelancers to start and grow their own businesses.
Chad has distilled his flagship 6 week freelancer training program into a jam-packed, 1 hour video-based workshop to jumpstart building your own business as a freelancer. He'll share what it takes to be a modern freelancer, 6 qualities to focus on, what services to offer, branding and positioning yourself, setting up your website and marketing materials, 5 top ways to find clients, easy ways to invoice clients and collect payments, the best tools and services to use.
Clare Swindlehurst
How To Change Your Blog Life with Google Analytics Dashboards
Inside you'll discover how to set up eleven different dashboards that you can use to check the pulse of your blog. From how many visitors you have, and how many posts they read, to which social media outposts they are visiting from, and what time of day they are stopping by to visit. You can see which keywords people are using in Google to find your posts, and what other bloggers are sending you traffic.

Kim Beasley
The Creative Introverted Entrepreneur: Learn to be SEEN so you can sell online to your target customers
Kim is a Business Visibility Strategist who has been featured on NPR, FOX, Huffington Post Live, and many more. Starting in 2011, she took a major step in overcoming the “fear of being seen” online by growing Google+ presence to almost a million followers which lead to winning multi-year corporate contracts.
After reading this book,entrepreneurs who are creative and introverted will be inspired to grow your business visibility online. While increasing your business visibility, you will learn how to get connected to your your target customers online.
Joan Mullally
How to Look Like a Pro Online: 22 Top Tips to Build Your Personal or Business Brand
Joan Mullally was a pioneer in Internet Marketing in the 1990's and is the author of more than 80 online business and marketing how-to guides. In this guide, you will learn 22 top tips for promotion your brand or business online effectively without spending a lot of time or money.

Doris Chung and Lesley Donaldson
From Blog to Book
OK. . .this is Dan. I had the all of the contributors offer up their own descriptions, including this one. But I am not going to use theirs. :)
From Blog to Book is the first and only "must own" book recommendation from Blogging Concentrated. This is the book you need before you talk to a publisher. Before you sign a contract. Before you start publishing your book. The learning curve is steep. If you know this book inside and out, you won't make a mistake in publishing your book.
I'll tell you more about Lesley and Doris on the download page.

Gillian Duffy
SEO For Bloggers: 5 Days to Better Ranking
It’s no secret that if you can get a post to rank in Google that it will get more traffic than if it doesn’t rank. But what’s the secret to getting your posts to rank in Google? What if you could know exactly what terms people are using when searching for content just like yours?
You can! This actionable-focused 5 day course covers the keyword research, utilization, and optimization that will get your content seen by those who are already searching for your content. Learn how to find keywords that searchers are actually using, determine whether it’s worth using them or not, and discover exactly how to use them in your content so that people will find YOUR content.
I use this exact same process to successfully build niche sites that depend entirely on search engines to drive traffic. There’s no digging into the code of your site, or redirecting stuff, or anything technical at all; just keyword research, placement, and optimization. If it works for me, it will work for you. Easy peasy.
Rebecca E. Parsons
3-Step Personal Rebrand for Bloggers
Everyone has a certain online reputation (BRAND), which they are known for throughout social media. For most bloggers, their brand has been created by default, rather than by intentional design. In this 3-step renovation workshop, we will discover how you are currently perceived and create a strategy to tweak, alter, rehab, or renovate your brand to what you want to be known for. In essence Curate You.
Learn to align your communications to your brand with Rebecca E. Parsons–social media pioneer, eLearning professional, visual strategist, popular motivational speaker, and passionate blogger since 1999. Students gain FREE access to the Curate You Facebook Group

Kathleen Bailey
SEO Ebook Advanced
Kathleen Bailey is a blogger of 10+ years who runs a free online blogging event called the Biannual Blogathon Bash. Bloggers around the world work on their blogging tasks during a weekend while networking, learning new things, trying mini challenges and winning prizes.
The SEO for Bloggers: Advanced ebook contains some advanced SEO tactics for every blogger who is looking to increase their search traffic. It builds on the Basics ebook which you can get for free by subscribing to my blog.
Lisa Kelly Woodruff
How to Hire Help
Lisa Woodruff is a professional organizer & productivity specialist. She has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs and direct marketers how to grow through outsourcing. How to Hire help is a 30 minute video presentation that will guide you through listing all of the responsibilities you have in all the various roles you hold in your life. The video will then use the accompanying printables to help you strategically outsource routine tasks from both your home and personal life to free you up to do what only you can do.

Brian Basilico
25 Incredible Internet Marketing Checklists and Worksheets
Brian’s career spans over 30 years. Since he started his first production company in 1979, he has produced thousands of projects for hundreds of companies, ranging from solopreneur to Fortune 100. Brian combines years of marketing experience with technical expertise to build on-line campaigns that continue to produce measurable results.
Luis Congdon
Podcasters Secret Weapon - Launch Guide
Luis Congdon, known as the Podcaster's Secret Weapon didn't always have it so easy. A little over two years ago he was couchsurfing and could barely afford to eat . . .then he found podcasting. Using the methods he now teaches he's built a 6 figure business, travels the world and spends half his time in Seattle and the rest of it traveling the world.
The Ultimate Podcast Guide will show you how to get setup, get up and runnning, and how you can leverage podcasting to profit big time.

Prerna Malik
31 Days to Get More Customers, Increase Traffic, and Boost Sales
With over 8 years of experience in increasing online sales and traffic for time-starved entrepreneurs and having worked with some of the best names in the online industry, Prerna Malik of Content Bistro is passionate about serving up gourmet content and copy solutions that connect, convert and create {raving} communities of customers with flavor-filled words.
Actionable, easy-to-implement, proven-to-work strategies that will supercharge your website's traffic, double {or triple} subscribers and most importantly, skyrocket sales with conversion-boosting tips, designed to work for those on a bootstrapped budget.
LeeAnn Webster
Totally Telesummits Quick Start Bundle
LeeAnn Marie Webster, creator of Totally Telesummits, has produced almost 60 telesummits and helped her clients add hundreds of thousands of subscribers to their email lists. She is a lawyer, coach and entrepreneur with 20 years experience in marketing and business development in a range of industries. LeeAnn has been featured in The Huffington Post, WGN Radio, Los Angeles Times and various national and local media outlets. She's also a runner and triathlete who recently participated in her first full Ironman® event. Finally, she just completed a year-long road trip around the US, putting the mobility of her business to the test!
Telesummits are enormously popular right now. They are a GREAT way to position yourself as an expert, build an audience, find your tribe online, generate leads and make money. But if you don’t know what you’re doing, you could waste a TON of time, money and energy. This Quick Start Bundle includes everything you need to start planning your summit now.

Karen James
Make Money with Twitter
Karen is the author 365 Social Media Tips, How to Get More Twitter Followers, and Attract More Clients with Social Media.
This course will show you how to become a trusted expert, grow your followers, find opportunities & grow your list … which of course will ultimately make you money! The course is a combination of PDF downloads, videos and worksheets – it also includes ‘Get More Twitter Followers in 21 Days’. It’s a four part course which is delivered one module per week over four weeks.

Cyn Gagen
50+ Ways to Increase Productivity - A Guide for the Self-Employed
Cyn Gagen, a former teacher, is a content creator, and social media professional. In addition to blogging, Cyn manages influencer content creation, researches, curates and creates social media content, and builds online strategies for her clients.
In this e-book, you'll learn strategies for making the most of the time you have to increase your productivity so that ultimately you have more time to do what you really want. Strategies include effective goal setting, learning to regroup and move forward, how to set your day up for success, how to turn around an unproductive day, and more.
Jenn Herman
Stop Guessing: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Social Media Strategy
Jenn Herman is a social media consultant, speaker, and globally recognized Instagram expert. She is the forefront blogger on Instagram marketing and her blog, Jenn’s Trends, has won the title of a Top 10 Social Media Blog in 2014, 2015, and 2016.
This all-inclusive book features everything you need to create your own social media strategy from start to finish.The strategy steps include determining your target audience, deciding which social media platforms to use, what types of content to post, how to create the best content for your business, how to write effective post captions, establishing an engagement strategy, information on which tools may help you be more efficient, how to manage your time for maximum results, and how to analyze your growth and progress.

Mary Ellen Bream
Pinterest Boost: How to Optimize and Automate Your Pinterest Profile Using BoardBooster
MaryEllen teaches bloggers the skills needed to run a successful blog without overwhelming you with huge pieces of information. She also administrates an active Facebook group called The Busy Homemaker's Guide to Blogging for Profit.

Gavin Male
Introduction to Affiliate Marketing
Gavin runs the premiere affiliate marketing network in New Zealand, R.O.Eye, helping bloggers across New Zealand monetize their sites and was twice shortlisted as UK Digital Entrepreneur of the Year. In addition he has made thousands from his own niche sites using affiliate marketing tools.
Katrina Thom
How to Start a Mom Blog
We made many mistakes when we first started blogging. Fast forward over 3 years later and we co-own TOTS Network, a successful network of monetized blogs. The mistakes we made at the beginning slowed us down and prevented us from turning our passion into profit earlier. Learn from our mistakes.

Yolo Spinks
The Ultimate Social Media Productivity System for Entrepreneurs
Yolo Spinks is a digital strategist specializing in social media strategy and implementation. With a charming smile and deep-rooted Southern drawl to match, Yolo combines her journalism, public relations, customer service, and marketing experience with her keen eye for detail and consumer trends to create successful social strategies that yield desired results for clients.
The Ultimate Social Media Productivity System for Entrepreneurs was designed to help bootstrapped and newbie business owners save time on social media tasks while maintaining a consistent and engaging online presence. After implementing this system, you will have the resources and knowledge needed to create, curate, and organize content for your social media channels, using the tools that best fit your needs. Most importantly, you’ll learn Yolo’s hack to creating a personal social media productivity system that saves you time, increases your productivity, and keeps you relevant in these Internet streets.
Vernon Foster II
Podcast Prospect Machine: Next Level Strategies
Vernon isn't just a podcaster. His company PodParrot helps podcasters with every part of their journey. Podcast hosting, editing, post production, strategy and monetization. In this course, Vernon delivers the next level strategies to really growing a solid podcast.

Sharyn Sheldon
How to Research Your Competition
With over 20 years of experience creating business training programs for Fortune 500 companies, Sharyn has mastered the art of quickly researching a new topic and designing courses that get results for learners.
In this report, you’ll learn more than just how to keep an eye on the competition. You’ll discover a 4-step process for gathering as much information as possible about your competition, analyzing this competitive data, and then assessing your own business in comparison.

Addi Ganley
Passive Income Without A Product
This mini course, taught by a six-figure blogger and entrepreneur Addi Ganley, will teach you how to earn passive income without having your own product or service to sell. It focuses on the foundational elements so that you can leverage the traffic to earn money month after month.

Katie Hornor
Bloggers Guide to Affiliate Marketing
Katie is an expert at digital product creation, has self-published over 40 books and curriculum guides, and is a rising and influential industry leader helping hundreds of entrepreneurial women each year learn how to get unstuck, and take that next step toward success in their business. Her passion is to see you making an impact, and an income, by serving your people in the best possible way.
Derek Doepker
Kindle Bestseller Secrets
Derek Doepker went from a former broke valet parker to a multiple #1 bestselling author. Now he shares his strategies to help aspiring entrepreneurs grow their business with a bestselling book.
How to create and market bestselling kindle books to earn passive income, establish yourself as a go-to authority, and create a sustainable online business.

Carolyn Wilhelm
Complete Guide to Google Slides
Carolyn Wilhelm is an excellent curriculum writer. She has written for grades 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, taught gifted education, has a National Board Certification as a Middle Childhood Generalist. She has also amassed a Pinterest following of more than 300K eager to hear her words.
In this tutorial, Carolyn decide to take her knowledge of Google Slides and teach you something you've never learnt before.

Rebecca Caroe
Proactive B2B New Biz Toolkit
Rebecca Caroe runs a successful marketing agency in New Zealand, is a professional rowing coach and Olympic commentator.
Whether you’re a blogger looking to monetize or a firm looking to grow, getting comfortable representing your brand, approaching prospects and finding your business ‘voice’ are all essential skills. The Toolkit is light reading but packed full of detailed tactics. It includes over 50 ways to generate new opportunities in business and meet new prospects.

Chris Lockwood
Facebook Live QuickStart
Chris is a friend of Blogging Concentrated. He's been working online since 1995 and knows about everything, especially membership sites.
How to use Facebook Live to engage with your audience, build your brand, and sell more of your products
Rueben Skipper
How to Sell Services Online
Rueben, Managing Partner at Timely.com, has started a number of businesses including a Bagel cafe, a coffee business, a research agency, a dating website and a finance company. He loves a challenge, so long as it’s fun.
In this tutorial, Timely the leaders in building software to make your business work smoother, teach you the basics of selling services online.

Get a .me Domain Free for a Year
.me is the newest domain to catch real fire since .com. While you see some .co's and some .cc's, .me's are everywhere. In a world where our kids are not likely going to have their name as their domain name, this is a chance to reserve their name and preserve their legacy.
PayPal.me, Join.me, About.me. . . the .me extension is personal. It's about you. Get one.

Kelly Holmes
How to Attract Readers With the Most Irresistible Headlines
For more than 15 years, Kelly worked as a professional writer and editor, studying all the best secrets to attract readers and keep them reading. She tested, refined, and tested some more.
This 5-day workshop teaches you a step-by-step process for crafting attention-grabbing headlines. Because the truth is you can write the perfect blog but if you can't get them to click, you don't pass go.
Build Your Influence Summit
50% Off Conference Tickets
The Build Your Influence Summit is a one day conference geared towards bloggers and small business owners looking to build their influence in the online world. The conference will be held on September 24, 2016 in Valley Forge PA and features Maria Bailey from BSM Media as the Keynote Speaker. Additional speakers include Anne Parris, Joyce Schulman, Colleen Padilla, Stephanie Glover, Reesa Lewandowski and Sara Merritt.

Kelly McCausey
Exposure & Profit Conference Pass
Certainly an exciting &unusual item to find in the BC Stack! A $247 Event Pass to Kelly McCausey's Exposure & Profit 3.
This is her third annual Content Marketing Conference & Mastermind featuring the most amazing Marketers and Motivators. It's coming up in Atlanta, Georgia this July 22, 23 & 24th.
Our Current Topic & Speaker Line Up Looks Like This:
"Viewpoints: Master The Possibilities" with Ann Boyum
“The Art of Persuasion and Using Content to Get More Leads and Sales” with Alice Seba
“Your Competition Will Happily Promote You” with Nicole Dean
“How to Create Videos on Your Mobile That Will Become the High Point of Your Marketing” with Crystal Collins
“5 Secret Content Hacks That Will Get You Get Super Cheap Traffic from Facebook” with Ron Douglas
“Attract & Keep Great Client Relationships” with Paul Taubman
“Uplevel Your Business Without Losing Your Personal Touch” with Kara Sakina
“The Money is NOT in the List, It’s in the Backend” with Lee Collins
“Selling: Connect and Create Transformation” with Wendy Bailey
“Mesmerize: Attract & Retain The Buyer Brain” with Shahar & Nashlah Boyayan
“Creative Marketing Strategies That Get Customers To Buy From You” with Greg Cesar
Your business never grows past your circle of influence and EP3 is all about helping you expand yours!
OVER $4,800 in Products for $47

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About Audience Industries

We are the largest global training and development company for bloggers, vloggers, podcasters, online business owners and internet marketers. We travel the world doing one-day workshops teaching advanced business skills. Over 150 events to date.
We also run Amplify Podcast, recently ranked in the top 30 podcasts by Inc Magazine.
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